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Amar asked, " Do have your insurance? "

Anirudh kept sighing but didn't respond.

Amar pushed his head with the gun.

" I am asking you something Mr. Katkar. Do you have your insurance? "

Anirudh nodded his head slightly.

Amar said, " Nice. Your children might go to a better school and your wife can continue to have her make up. "

He pulled the trigger and shot Anirudh down who fell on his face on ground and died immediately.

Faraz came out of clinic with a walking stick. His left leg was covered with PoP. He managed to go ahead with the help of his stick. As Nakul got his eye on him, he left his bike, crossed the street and came to him.

" May I help you? "

Faraz turned to him.

" Thank you but I am just looking for a cab to reach my house. "

" Oh! Unfortunately I have a bike. But I can take you to a nearby taxi stand. There is a shortcut from this alley. "

Nakul took Faraz to an alley. He left him in the midway of the alley.

Faraz turned to him.

" Are you getting late for something? "

" No. I am not getting late. "

Nakul took out his silenced gun and shot him thrice.

While, Amar was driving Anirudh's car, he received a call from Nakul.

He answered the call.

" Go on. "

Nakul came out of the alley with his gun in hand.

He replied, " The job is done. "

" Okay. There is one more task left for Sadiq. Then you both will be paid together by Mr. Grover. "

" Got it. "

Nakul went to his bike and put his gun into his holsters and covered it with his jacket.

Dipti was working on her laptop while sitting on sofa at her living room. The laptop screen displayed details and photos of Aryaman and his father Rohit Khurana.

Siddhant poured tomato soup in two tumblers. He put them on a tray and came to the living room. He kept the tray on the table before Dipti.

He asked, " Are you still working? "

" Yeah. I thought you might have gone on a coffee with my sister so I decided to work till you come home. "

He picked up a tumbler and sat in front of her.

He sighed, " Oh god. Why would I date your sister? "

" Well, she has told me everything that you have been frequently visiting her office for a month. "

He paused for a while and sighed.

" Dipti. I was about to tell you but... "

Dipti folded down her laptop, picked up the soup tumbler and looked at him.

" So, when we are going to have the divorce? "

" Listen, Dipti I have realised that we should discuss the matter before going for it? "

" Why? I thought it was your call to have divorce but you seems unclear about your own decision. "

" Look, things are not simple as you think. It's a bit complicated. "

" How much complicated? Even after four years of marriage your attitude is the same as it used to be in college. "

" Oh, please Dipti, don't make a scene. "

He stood up and began to leave with his soup. Dipti too left her sofa and laptop and began to follow her.

She asked, " Oh really? Am I making the scene. "

He continued to have his soup.

She said, " I thought you would change after marriage but you didn't. "

He turned to her and yelled.

" What's wrong with you? Do you have something else to argue with me? "

She nodded her head.

" There is everything wrong between us. I should have listened to Chetana. She had warned me against you before marriage. "

Siddhant kept looking at her for a while in anger. He threw the tumbler on the ground, moved out of the room, picked up his car keys from the table and left the house while it was raining outside.

Dipti looked outside from the window when he was leaving in his car. She picked up the tumbler from the ground and went to the kitchen.

The maxi truck arrived at a roadside. Arjun came out of the maxi truck and thanked the driver. The maxi truck left and Arjun walked towards the triple storey building where he used to live on the third floor at his 3 BHK where he had recently shifted from the previous one.

He went upstairs to the first floor where a loud music could be heard from a flat. He didn't consider the music and kept moving upstairs to the second floor. He looked at his wrist watch which was displaying ' 12:35 AM '.

Before moving to his flat he looked at another flat where Anchal and Vidisha used to reside as tenants. He went to their flat where the light of their living room was on. He got his hand near to the doorbell but he didn't consider it right to do at the time.

He was about to leave when the door was opened by Anchal who had the parcel box in her hand.

" Mr. Sinha, your parcel. "

He took the box and thanked her.

He said, " I just thought you must be sleeping that's why I didn't ring the bell. "

" Actually, I just saw you down from the balcony while I was on a call. "

" Oh! So how is Vidisha? Is she good? "

" Yeah. She is sleeping now. "

The music from the first floor became loud when the flat door was opened by a boy. Arjun and Anchal looked down from the railing where they saw three girls left the flat who had worn sleeveless bodycon outfits. They went downstairs.

Arjun asked, " Have you ever seen the girls before? "

" No. "

There were five boys in the flat. They all were in their mid twenties among whom Chetan was the one whose brother owned the flat. Chetan turned up the volume of the speaker with the remote while his bestie was lying on the sofa with mobile phone in his hand.

Two boys, Divyansh and Durjoy came out of the bedroom to the living room.

Divyansh said, " Look man, what Chetan has brought. "

Deepak looked at them and was stunned to see three bottle of booze in their hand.

Chetan said, " Woah! You got it. "

Deepak said, " Open it now bro. Can't resist. "

Durjoy and Chetan poured the drink in five glasses.

Divyansh asked, " Where is Hemant? "

Hemant came out of the washroom and washed his face on the basin. He wiped his face from the towel and came to them. He sat on the sofa and picked up a glass of booze.

Durjoy said, " Hemant had the real fun actually today. "

Deepak said, " He had also saved her contact number. "

Chetan asked, " Whose? The third one. "

" Yep. "

Deepak tapped his hand on Hemant's shoulder.

Hemant chuckled, " Come on man. "

Divyansh said, " You've got a permanent service. "

Chetan and Deepak giggled after which they heard the doorbell.

Without Notice (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now