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Arjun arrived near the building of Regency Builders where a bike, a van and two cars were already parked there. He looked at an ink pen on the dashboard. He picked it up and kept looking at it for a while.

He came out of car. As he began to move towards the building, Nakul came to him and took out Arjun's gun and mobile phone from his possession. He gestured him to go inside.

The elevator arrived at the second floor where Niranjan was standing with Rastogi. As the door opened, Arjun walked out to him.

Niranjan stretched his hands towards him.

He said, " Mr. Sinha, pleasure to meet you. "

Arjun shook hands with him and nodded.

" I am here for someone I was told about. "

Niranjan nodded.

" Yeah. You'll get her but before that I have decided to gave a warm welcome to my guest. "

" I am not here to receive your warm welcome. Where is the girl? "

" Relax my dear. I too want it to bring it to an end as soon as possible. Mr. Patel has flight two hours later. "

He looked at Shivraj who was at the corner of the lobby.

Arjun said, " If you have to kill me, then do it now. I don't want to make it long. "

" Neither I Mr. Sinha. If I actually had to kill I would have told it to Rastogi. "

He kept looking at Niranjan and then turned to Rastogi. He looked at his holsters which had gun.

He came to him.

" Rastogi, I don't have the gun. If you have balls then shoot me. "

Rastogi stared him for a while. He huffed.

Arjun said, " I am not joking. Pick it up and shoot me now. "

Shivraj walked towards the lobby.

He said, " It seems that he is fond of playing the game of death. "

Arjun to him.

He replied, " Actually you people are the ones who are fond playing the game of blood and money. How many people you have murdered with Ahmad's cooperation? "

Shivraj chuckled, " It is a part of one of our ways to make money. The people who were killed tried to interrupt us from doing our business. "

" Mr. Roshan was one of them. And then three years later you got her daughter killed too because she wanted to uncover what you have been doing for a long time. "

Niranjan added, " And now your name is too added in the list. "

" Okay. Kill me now but let the girl leave. "

" Look up. "

Arjun looked up where Chetna was standing on the edge of the railings of the stairs on the upper floor. She was held by Ariana on a gunpoint.

Shivraj said, " She just needs a hint to finish the girl. "

Niranjan ordered Ariana by a hand gesture. Ariana took Chetna off their sight. An armed guard was smoking outside the building. He was interrupted by Manbir who asked him for a cigarette. The guard gave him the one and Manbir began to smoke.

He began to have a casual walk where he got his eyes on a leg from the other side of Siddhant's car. He went to see the leg which was of Nakul who lying dead on the floor. Manbir was stunned to see the body. Before he could do anything he was pulled with his collar by an attacker who surrounded his neck by her hand.

Manbir suffocated from the pressure on his neck. He felt down and he could see the attacker from his eyes. The attacker was Navika who held Manbir's neck, twisted it and left him after which he died immediately.

She opened the trunk of Siddhant's car and took out her gun and the silencer.

Arjun went upstairs while being followed by Rastogi who had pointed a gun at him. After they arrived at the second floor, they began to walk through the corridor. He stopped after a moment.

Rastogi asked, " What's wrong? "

Arjun kneeled down and held his left side of the chest from his right hand.

He said, " I think I am having some sensation in my heart. "

" Don't try to me smart, I know it's just a prank. "

Arjun groaned, " Please call someone for help. I immediately need to see a doctor. "

He slowly pulled the ink pen from his socks. Rastogi went annoyed and came forward with the gun. Arjun immediately turned around and attacked him on his neck with the ink pen.

Before Rastogi could retaliate, Arjun pushed the pen hard that slit his throat. Rastogi fell on the ground and began to bleed from his neck. Arjun picked up gun, turned around and began to walk on to search Chetna. Two goons appeared before him from the left who took out knives to attack but he shot them dead and turned to the left.

Niranjan and Shivraj heard the gunshot sound. Navika went upstairs after she took down three armed guards on the ground floor.
Arjun opened a door of an accountant's cabin where Chetna was sitting on chair and Ariana was standing by her with gun in her hand.

Ariana began to shoot at Arjun who stepped back and hid behind the wall. Ariana waited for a while and then she steadily walked towards the door where she couldn't find Arjun outside. She went outside and walked ahead and got her eyes on the men's washroom of which the door was partly opened.

She heard a flush sound which made her to stand there for a while and pointed her gun towards the washroom. She decided to step inside but before she could do, her mouth was grabbed by Arjun from her back.

He pulled her back but she hit him with her elbow and then kicked him on the stomach. He groaned and dropped his gun. She kicked his gun away and pointed her own gun at him. He looked up to her and raised his hands to surrender.

Ariana smiled to see herself being the winner but Arjun made a sudden move and snatched her gun. Niranjan came upstairs with three goons where he was stunned to see Rastogi who was lying on the ground.

The goons began to run ahead to find Arjun. They went to the hallway where they hear another gunshot. They came near to Ariana's body where Arjun and Chetna appeared before them from the cabin. They went to attack him but he knocked them out one by one in a hand to hand combat.

Niranjan came to the hallway and saw Arjun by his dead goons. Arjun looked at him and gave a slight smile. He threw Niranjan from the railings of the stairs on the lobby of the second floor.

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