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Sharan's POV

We came back from the home town and returned to my regular work. And the days were moving very smoothly in the same routine. the phone conversation made us very closer. We stepped up from acquaintance to friends. I was counting the days left for wedding. In between we had a chance to meet each other. we will meet each other for our wedding purchase.

i was busy in getting leave for my wedding from my chief. It was a day before the wedding purchase, i got out from the hospital and driving back to my home. Suji ma was waiting at the door step to go to my native place. we both got inside the car and i started driving to my place. Suji ma started scolding me because it was too late.

She asked me to come to my home by 4:00 pm but i came at 8:00 pm. We reached our home by 1:00pm. My dad opened the door and asked us is this time to have journey to which we both remained silent. We thought he will scold us but he left without saying anything. Again he came at ordered us to get ready by 8 in the morning don't ask any excuses in a strict tone and went. I went to my room and was thinking about riya and slipped into sleep.

It was morning i got by 5'o' clock and started getting ready and got early i went outside my room and saw everyone was busy. I don't want to waste time i called Riya. She picked up the call her voice was not as enthusiastic as before. i heard in a dull tone.i asked Riya are you ok to which she replied yes, ok get ready quickly i said and cut the call. Every body got ready and we started our journey for wedding purchase.

Riya's POV
It was early in the morning i felt some discomfort but i continued my sleep without caring it. I got up and i could feel a small pain and it started increasing . I tried to shred it and went to have bath. Somehow I managed to take bath. I was feeling a heavy pain in the stomach. By the time my mother came inside and without seeing me she ordered me to get ready. I tried to tell her but i couldn't. I got ready slowly and came out. my mom asked me to have food but i refused to have breakfast. I was standing with the pain and it was getting mom started scolding me for taking more time. I sat inside the car with the pain and started my journey....

Sharan's POV
we were waiting for them. After 20 minutes they reached there. Her father came apologizing for arriving late my father denied their apologies by saying it's okay.while coming i smiled at her she too gave back but it's not natural she was dull.

We went inside and started choosing her wedding out fit every one was busy in selecting the design and colour but i noticed her. she was having some discomfort if it's a hospital i will straightly ask her what's her problem but i could not do this here. So i controlled myself but still watching her. She tried to behave as normal but her face changes and there is a small traces of sweating on her forehead. This action take place then and now.

I watched everything patiently at one stage she started holding her stomach with her hands and her eyes got teary. She took the bottle and started drinking the water. I went near her and asked Riya are you comfortable to which she just nodded. I was upset and started getting worried because of her health. I could not do anything i remained silent again.

Others were busy so none noticed this again she started holding her stomach and crushing her hands to control the pain. It really made me restless i thought for a second and went to other side. I took my mobile and called her. She took the phone outside and saw my name. She was sitting there and searching me but didn't pick it. Again i called her now she picked it up. In a hurry tone i asked Riya to come and meet me.

Riya's POV
We entered the store and we reached the wedding outfits section. i behaved as i was normal even i feel trouble in walking. I managed to reach there i sat in a chair started selecting the design. But i couldn't concentrate because the pain started getting deeper for every second. I don't know what to do. At a point the pain got increasing i held my stomach with my hands. nobody watched me every one was busy.

I took the bottle and drink some water, the pain relieved only for seconds. Inbetween sharan asked something to which i simply nodded. Again the pain started penetrating inside me. I again held it and closed my palms to hold the pain. After few seconds my mobile started ringing i took it and cut the call because it was sharan and started searching him. Again it started ringing now i attended the call he asked me to meet him. I started walking with so much difficulty in body and mind. I don't know what he is going to ask.

Sharan: what's your problem?
Riya: problem? What?
Sharan: i know everything tell me what is your problem?
Riya: sorry i couldn't understand.
Sharan: are you fine? I know you are having some trouble in ur health..
Riya: .......( Silence)
Sharan: Riya why are you silent tell me
Riya in her mind how did he came to know about this.
Riya: nothing you have mistaken, it's just....
Sharan: what just?
Riya: nothing i didn't eat in the morning so i was feeling some pain
Sharan: thats all
Riya: mmmm
Sharan: why you didn't have breakfast? In a strict tone
Riya: it's it's because we got late,, late so i didn't have my breakfast
Sharan: silly reason atleast you should have told me. Wait i will buy you something
Riya: no everybody is waiting there
Sharan: go and tell them any excuse and come
Riya: no see the time i think within one hour we will have lunch. So....
Sharan: i will buy juice atleast have that. You go i will buy in a disposable container.

Sharan's POV

I went to the food court and bought a cup full of juice and came without getting anybody attention i placed it near her. I told her to take it in a low voice.she made some excuse and went that side to have i was relieved and focused on the purchase.

It was lunch time we all gathered in a big table to have lunch. everyone ordered their food she too ordered. She ordered some oily fried cauliflower and some noodles. I was just confused what type of person she is. Having noodles for lunch. I didn't say anything. but within my mind i told me this is the last time she will be having noodles for lunch.

After lunch we came back to shopping now our wedding outfits were ready, others were purchasing for them.i went to attend a call. I came back but she is not there. I asked my sister in-law about her.she smiled and said she went to have water. I too felt thirsty so i went to have water but she is not there. I came in search of her, at the corner of the area she was sitting with the head down. I went near and made a sound. She quickly wipped her eyes....

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