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Riya started sleeping on anjali shoulder, anjali tried to make Riya sleep in the bed, sharan helped her to lay Riya on the bed.
When they placed her in the bed. Riya slightly made sound and started sleeping.

Anjali: sharan what is happening here?

Sharan: we told you already Riya was having breathing problem so only she is admitted here.

Anjali: i think she is fine now, when will we take her home.

Sharan: i don't know, we have to ask Meena only because she is only handling the case.

Anjali: this is how a dr.husband will answer about his wife?

Sharan: why are you saying this, i don't know what's going on, and what are you saying.

Anjali: you are also working as doctor here, but you don't know when she will get discharged.

Sharan: she will get discharged soon.

Anjali: soon means.

Sharan remained silent .

Anjali: if Riya's parents know this means, what they will think about us.

Sharan: already they called me.

Anjali: ooh that also happened.What you told them?

Sharan: that,.,.. i told them, ..

Anjali: tell. Why are you hesitating.

Sharan: i told them, she is sleeping.

Anjali: you lied with them.

Sharan: if i say Riya is not feeling well, they will get worried about her.

Anjali: why are you caring about others. What they told you before boarding their flight.

Sharan: ..take care of her.

Anjali: this is how you are taking care of her.
I don't......

Suddenly shyam interrupted in the middle.

Shyam: Anjali, who is not taking care. Come with me.

Shyam took Anjali to the guest room.

Shyam: Anjali i already told you not to take the topic or discuss about this.

Anjali: But, he is...

Shyam: he may done something wrong or right. But what should we do.

Anjali looked with blank expression.

Shyam: tell me.

Anjali: i don't know ( in a confused look)

Shyam: we should try to solve the problem not to make it as a big issue.

Anjali: then who will correct him?

Shyam:he didn't do it intentionally, in which angle do you think he is responsible. We should tried to bridge the gap between them. Infact there is no gap between them.

Anjali: what you are saying ? I am responsible for the problem ( tears started flowing through her eyes)

Shyam: Anjali i didn't say like that take it simple and think about it. Riya's parents have moved to abroad, she may be dipressed. We should be by her side and support her

Anjali: that's what I told sharan.

Shyam: i agree, we should have told sharan politely, we should make sharan realise. But we didn't do that.

Anjali: we didn't tell anything wrong.

Shyam: yes, you didn't tell anything wrong. If people didn't understand we should make them understand. instead of blaming them.

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