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Sharan's POV

When i went in search of her i found her in a corner of the store with her heads down. I made little sound to which she quickly wipped her tears and looked at me. Now the queries were continuously popping in my mind. I was looking into her eyes for a minute and proceeded. Riya what is your problem, Tell me . Why are you behaving like this from morning. She had no answers to tell me she remained silent.

Standing silently won't solve the problem. Atleast answer this i think u don't have any personal problems. To which she nodded quickly and told me no don't think like that i told you know in the morning my stomach was upset that's all. Are you still facing the problem? I asked worriedly. I don't think the problem is occured due to skipping the breakfast. It's something that you are not aware of. I will go and talk with you mother about your problem.

She hurriedly stopped me and started pleading me not talk to her mother about this. Ok shall i ask Anjali sister to tell to your mother. mmm, no she replied. Atleast tell me which region you are having pain. To know the which region in stomach. i extended my hand and she moved little in hesitation.this is not hospital what are you doing i told within my mind, ok sorry sorry. Shall i ask Anjali sister to take you to the doctor. No no i will tell my mom about this and we will consult our family doctor she replied in a low voice. With half mind i agreed to that but send me the report i ordered her.

she said ok and sat in the same position. I could not tolerate all this but i could not do anything. to relieve the pain i just had a pain killer tablet in my car. I gave her to have it. She hesitantly took it and swallowed it.

Riya i don't know what to do with you, please be responsible it's related to health. i don't know what to say. After few minutes she was normal she mingled with everyone. Especially with Anjali sister they were talking something and laughing. I thought myself why can't these people take their health seriously instead they were very much concerned in their outlook. After few hours we finished shopping and went back to our respective home. Before bidding bye i alerted her to consult the doctor and send the report.

The following evening i and suji ma moved to our house. It was very tight schedule i don't have time to rest. I went to the hospital and covered up with work. I was checking my phone for her message but nothing. She used to call me every morning to say good morning that too on 10:00am. Today she didn't do that. I tried to call her someone knocked the door so i had to continue my work again. In lunch i called her again but she didn't picked up the call.

Riya's POV

I feel relieved after having the tablet. After finishing the purchase we came back home. Before that he warned me to consult the doctor and send the report. Now I didn't have any trace of pain. So i thought to leave it as unnecessary thing. I slept well at night. The next day i had a call from him. I started thinking about his question and how to answer him. He will surely force me to consult the doctor but i don't have pain why i have to consult. He is over protective i thought to myself. I started preparing the answers for his question. So i didn't picked up the call. To my luck he didn't call me again.

It was night i called her again she picked the call and started talking things which are not necessary. I tried to ask about her health but she diverted the topic at a point i  asked her to not to divert the topic. I questioned her about consulting the doctor . Silence on the other end now I asked in a louder tone did you consult the doctor? Tell me.

Riya:Mmmm no i didn't feel pain from evening so i didn't go .
Sharan: oh your health is cheaper thing
Riya: no i didn't mean in that way actually after having tablet....
Sharan: enough no more explanation if you have a small pimple then you will run to dermatologist but.... I gave you the tablet for emergency purpose not for regular use.
Riya: that that ( the reasons i have prepared was totally blank in my mind, and tears in my eyes)
Now I can hear some whimpering sound from riya.
Sharan:( i should handled this softly) Riya? Are you there?
Riya: mmm ( shaky voice)
Sharan: sorry dear i raised my voice in tension.
Riya: i have no symptoms or effect of pain in the stomach after having tablet then what will I say to doctor ( she talked with crying and hiccups in between).
Sharan: sorry sorry dear, i didn't have any aim to scold you. I was concerned about your health.
Riya: mmmmm( in a shaky voice)
Sharan: sorry dear, please don't cry. Wipe your tears , drink some water.
Riya: mmm
Sharan: actually i planned to have some romantic talks with you and my darling is crying.
Riya: does dr knows to talk romantic things.

And our conversation moved to other side and again tried to have some chat about her health. Riya don't get angry our health is important than everything why can't you have a consultation with a doctor. Please please talk to me like a lovable fiance not as a strict doctor said Riya. I can't move the topic further and i thoughts to myself that after marriage if the problem arise i can handle. So i left to her wish .

Our days passed in the same manner and our wedding date is getting nearer. Every one was busy in making arrangements. I was also busy in setting my schedule and my patients check up schedule too. Suji ma was continuously talking about the arrangement and she renovated the house to next level. It was 2 days before our wedding.

I asked my friend to take care of my patients in case of emergency. I and suji ma packed the things and moved to my home town. Our relatives started coming to our house. Our home started crowding i was busy in talking with everyone. I don't have time to have long talks with Riya. Every ritual was taking place both in my and Riya's house.

Day before our wedding
Sharan's POV

It was early morning everyone started getting ready for the function. We will be moving to the wedding hall by afternoon. I called riya, today again she sounded low. I asked her what happened. Nothing getting ready so i may sound like that. Okay take care i cut the call.

We reached the wedding venue every one was waiting there. We landed there Riya's parents welcomed us. In the evening the programme have started. We were having fun with our cousins. My friends who were working along with me also arrived. I introduced them to Riya.

Riya's POV

It was a day before our wedding and i got up to get ready suddenly i started feeling the same pain which i had previously. I tried searching the tablet cover to buy the tablet. But i couldn't get it. I sat in the bed tiredly thinking about that. My cousin knocked the door, i opened it she hurried me to get ready. I could not do anything so i processed to next. After few minutes the pain started reducing. We got ready and reached wedding hall. Later sharan's family too arrived. His friends arrived he was happy seeing them he introduced everyone to me  I forgot about the pain and started enjoying the ceremony.

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