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Riya stood there imagining about their future. Her thoughts were broken when she heard the click sound in the door.

She saw sharan entering inside the room. Riya's cheeks turned red. Sharan could not understand why she is staring at him.

Sharan: Riya change your dress, you can't take hospital dress home.

Riya: i know that. I will change it, you go out.

Sharan: okay, i will take the reports and go out.

He said and went out of the room thinking why she saying this, before few minutes I helped her to change it. She was always comfortable with me. Now she is asking me to go. Don't know what anjali sister in law told about me.

Few minutes later Anjali took Riya with her. Riya was covered with a shawl.

Sharan: why are you covering yourself like this.

Riya: it's all because of your friend

Sharan: what?

Riya:i will tell you later.

They make her sit in the car and went to the home. Anjali held Riya by her shoulder and took her inside, by hearing the sound sharan's mom woked up. She quickly came to the living room and saw them.

Radha quickly neared Riya and placed her hands in Riya's cheeks.

Radha: Riya are you alright? How are you feeling.

Riya: mom mom don't worry, i am okay.

Radha: did this idiot tortured you lot. Tell me i will punish him

Riya: mom why he is going to torture me, he did his duty.

Radha: see, my child face has turned pale, it's because of him.

Shyam: mom, can we talk in the morning. She may be tired, she needs rest. Sharan, take her to the room.

Riya: shyam brother is right, i am feeling tired. We will meet you in the morning.

Sharan took Riya to his room. While entering the room they saw a remote near the door. While seeing this both thought about the things which happened a few hours ago.

Sharan saw the blood clots and the wound in her hand.
I should have not done this sharan thought. We can buy another one with the money if it get damaged. But if trust is broken we can't fix it. He started feeling guilty about his actions which he has done.

Riya noticed this and could understand what sharan was thinking. She saw him with the corner of his eyes. Before he tried to take, she bend down and took the remote in her hand.

She went inside and quickly locked the door. She placed the remote in the table. She made a rough face and glared at him( she was laughing inside to see sharan's face like this).

Without saying anything she moved to her cupboard and took the clothes. She moved to the bathroom to have bath.

Sharan: where are you going?

Riya: can't you see where i am going. I am going to have a bath.

Sharan: Riya please listen to me. You can't take bath now. Just few minutes ago you had taken the injection for fever. Now just take rest.

Riya:it's stinking all over my body. That hospital smell which i hate.

Sharan: you change your dress and apply some talcum powder, you won't feel odour.

Riya: please i will make it, within five minutes. please allow me, otherwise I can't sleep.

Sharan: you won't listen to me, go and take but only 3 minutes time, finish it within that time. Otherwise...

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