Banana Senpai x FSU Senpai

126 7 3

Me: What up Banana Senpai.
Banana Senpai: What up.
FSU Senpai: I want to be included. =_=
Banana Senpai: O//////O H-Hi FSU Senpai.
Me ((Le Love Expert)): ^^ You two should get together.
FSU Senpai: Um. Sure....... that would be nice. *puts arm around Banana Senpai*
Banana Senpai: ♡¤♡
Me: I ship zhat. ^^
FSU Senpai: *kisses Banana Senpai*
Banana Senpai: O/////O
Meh: Fanservice.
Huggable Senpai: Did someone say fanservice? *wearing cat ears*
Me: >\\\\\\<

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