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Me: ^_^ ..............Anyone in the mood for a challenge?!

England: Oh no......

Me: YES! I have a challenge! ........a not so simple challenge.......

England: That's why it's called a challe-

Me: SILENCE!!!!! >:3 I KILL YOU!!! *reference face*

England: -_-

Me: Anyway..........I have created a fanfiction have to create a CopenIggy (Copenhagen x England) fanfiction! ^_^

England: O////O

Me: It can be a lemon (Ohonhonhon ^3^), fluff, whatever you want! It just has to be us two......if you do it, you'll be guaranteed plenty of votes, comments, and maybe even a push of that button that we like to call......the follow button.....O_o

England: O_o

Me: To notify me, you can dedicate the story to me. For those who do not know how to do that, when you're making the story there should be a little heart that has the word dedicate under. Click (or tap XD) it and enter my username. Hit the word dedicate. For those who just can't do that, send me the link in a comment on this chapter.....hehe.....

England: I wonder what's going to happen. *sips tea*

Me: Good luck to all of you....XD *evil laugh*

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