Surprise Duckies

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**Guess which clucker decided to jump back in my life....... **
Me: Do I have to sing this song lord and savior Doitsu?
Germany: Yace.... If you do, lead roles will come.
Me: I never get lead roles. I'm always stuck in the back. ;-;
America: JUST DO IT!!!
Me: OK......... * sings song in front of drama group*
Friends: You did awesome! ^-^
Me: Danke.
Huggable Friggin Senpai: You did good.......
Me: Did he just.......
Italy: Yessssssss! *fanboying*
Me: He actually spoke to me. * secretly fangirling* thank you.........
**That happened and I was like, "Fahhhhhhhhhkkk???" so he complemented me. He didn't even compliment anyone else. We could be shipped together for the show we're doing? Which means we could like each other? Which means we could actually be friends? Which means we could actually be dating soon? Which means I'm gonna die? Which means I will be with someone for the first time? Which means I won't be single? Which I guess makes me taken? I don't understand. ><**

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