Fanfic IRL

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Ok. Irl is a very scary term. But it will be used. I'm actually doing this. I don't know why.........
Ok. As a Christmas present, I decided to write x reader fanfics for my drama guyfriends. XD So, I'll give you info about them so you're not being shipped with some random dude. Senpai will have his own fanfics too. XD
Let's start with Hunter:
*A bit short but almost my size.
*Light skin
*Wears glasses
*Likes to joke around
*Doesn't have a lot of social interaction with girls besides me. XD
*Likes computers and techy stuff
*Used to play hockey*
Next, Mori:
*Darker skin
*Doesn't look like Mori but that's what I call him. ((Sowy. ><))
*Kind of serious
*Also, wears glasses
*Plans on being a lonely guy with a hat ((Don't ask. XD))
*Likes a lot of anime
*About my height maybe taller
Let's head over to Chandler:
*Very kawaii! ^^
*Shorter than me
*My child
*Honey Senpai personality
*Secret Yandere
*Also wears glasses
Ok. Anthony time:
*About my height
*A bit pervy XD
*Watches a lot of YouTubers
*Wears a lot of blue
*Camera hog ((*sigh*))
*Also wears glasses ((A lot of my friends wear glasses. XD))
Next, Jimmy:
*The biggest perv I know. XD
*A bit mean but he just messes around
*No one takes him seriously XD
*Creepy weirdo
*Doesn't wear glasses
*Friggin taller than me
And everyone knows about Senpai! ^^ That's pretty much it. So, I'll write fanfics of them for Christmas! Merry Christmas! You're getting shipped with these weirdos in my life. XD

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