Chapter Five | The Party

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It was now Saturday once again. Things had settled and I had stopped responding Dax.

Simply because I didn't want to mess up my brothers business. They told me exactly how things worked and what they were doing.

Now Marcus was in front of me once again, he was waiting for Jake at our house and I was the only one home.

I was reading a book in the living room, when he came in. He hovered over me to see what I was doing.

"What are you doing?" I ask him in return of him watching me.

"How are you doing?" He asks after a few moments, he walks around the couch and sit down next to me.

He looks at me like he's only giving me all his attention. I crumble a little under his intense stare.

"Doing fine" I reply shortly, partly because I was still mad, but also because he always makes me ramble whenever he talks to me, I'm that insecure.

"Good. Good, listen I'm sorry about the whole Dax thing, it's a whole world you know nothing about and suddenly Jake took you into it. It wasn't anything we had discussed, I wasn't ready. All I knew is that Dax you cannot touch" He said and paused. I put my book down a bit and looked quickly up at him to see if he was sincere, then I looked down.

"Everyone but him, just not him. He's done some fucked up stuff to your family and to me, he can play the good guy but he's not. I can assure you of that" Marcus added.

I still looked down, which apparently bothered him, because he put his hand on mine, I froze and looked up surprised.

"You understand?" Marcus asks and I slowly nod. Taking in just how worried he was about this.

"I haven't talked to him since Tuesday anyways. It's fine, I don't know the guy" I say and dismiss it.

I look back down and open my book. I hear Marcus sigh beside me and he leans back into the couch.

"I don't understand why you care so much" I mumble under my breath.

Oh the dream scenario played in my head, him saying "because it should be me" then kissing me wildly like he had done to all the other girls I had seen him with, only wilder with me.

But it doesn't happen.

He does hear what I say, because he turns to me with a look on his face that I can't read.

"Because you're my best friends sister, I care about you and I don't want to see you with my enemy" Marcus said, his words made me look down once again.

I hum quietly without answering him. He nudged my shoulder before getting up and then he leaves to the kitchen.

I frowned at this. The door opened and I heard both of my brothers voices.

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