Chapter Ten | The Kiss

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Claire got us out of the club before Jake and Terry saw us.

Serena and I ditched her car since we both were too drunk to drive. As we crossed the road I paused as a motorcycle stopped in the middle of the road.

"Rena? Do you see that motorcycle stopping as well?" I ask her drunkenly. She giggled before nodding her head.

"Yup" she said popping the 'p'. I raised an eyebrow, it was Marcus' motorcycle.

We keep walking and I hold onto Serena so she wouldn't fall. "I told you that you would end back home" Marcus retorts with a smirk as his visor is up.

I glare at him and scoff before walking past him. "Hey, get on" Marcus says and grabs my arm, stopping me and Serena.

"No? I'm not leaving Serena" I say confused. "I like that fact that—that is your only excuse" Marcus retorts with a smirk.

"Roy will take her home" Marcus said and nodded his head back to the motorcycle coming towards us.

It stopped beside him and I raise an eyebrow.

"You realize she and I lives like ten houses away?" I retort in a duh tone.

He was being stupid, what reason did he have?

"Just let me drive you home, get on" Marcus says and pulls me towards him.

"Serena, you okay?" I ask her and she nods with a wink. I roll my eyes and shove her towards Roy.

Roy catches her and he helps her on behind him. "She's your problem now" I retort, I'm about to get on his motorcycle when Marcus stops me.

"Put this on" Marcus says and pull off his hoodie and throw it at me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why?" I ask him a bit pissed.

"You dress is gonna slide up when you get on" Marcus retorts nod looks ahead of him. He slides down the visor and I roll my eyes before putting it on, it went down to my knees.

Then I get on behind him, I grab the helmet he holds out for me and I put it on as well.

I hold onto his waist as he takes off and I for once enjoy the motorcycle ride back.

I feel the wind on my skin, the speed letting me embrace the wind.

"I love this" I say to myself and lean my head backwards a bit.

I feel Marcus laughing as I still hold onto him. I see Roy race up next to us and I wave at Serena who laughs at me.

"My guy can beat your guy" She shouts and I flip her the finger.

Marcus pushes his motorcycle on the back wheel, I had seen it coming, really, I was just more afraid that I would fall off.

"Shit" I curse as Marcus lets the front wheel connect with the road and he speeds off faster than Roy could register.

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