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Hello all~

This story is something I've wanted to write for a long time. My original "Bump Buddies" became way bigger than I could have ever thought or imagined and I want to thank everyone for that first and foremost. My 16 year old self would be speechless.

Since then I've recently taken a creative writing class and have produced a child so I'm a lot more educated on a lot of the concepts I had in my story. I'm wanting to put them to use without having to go back and essentially rewrite a story that's already published.

As stated in my description, those of you who have read my original story... forget everything you know... I'll be keeping the main theme obviously and I'll be keeping some popular aspects (infamous forest scene? I think so)

I'll also be sharing updates about my original series that I'll be writing! So so many new things coming! And I'm so excited to start these adventures!

If you're new here... welcome 😈. Come join us down the rabbit hole. If you are one of those people that have been around awhile and have put up with my shenanigans... thank you, and I appreciate you.

Let's get the party started!

The goal is to update every Wednesday... but those of you who aren't new here know how that usually goes 👀

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