|Part Nineteen|

245 19 4

~ 20 weeks pregnant ~

Journal Entry Five

Everything is feeling much more real. I can feel the baby, and at some of my appointments they allow me to hear it's heartbeat.

I can't help feeling excited even with all the fear and anxiety. My mind tends to wander and I wonder who this baby will look like. Will it have my eyes? My hair? Will it have my demeanour and laugh? Or will it be like you? With silver hair and big dark eyes.

I guess we'll see, but as of right now baby is healthy and that's all that matters.



• • •

It had been Mikoto who told me to journal. After my parents left me, she had brought me a notebook and pen and told me that I could write everything I felt inside it. So that's what I did, and I wrote as if I was writing letters to them about my life. Then as my memories of them began to fade, I would imagine my letters being written for Itachi. But now? Now I wrote them with Kakashi in mind.

I closed the journal and made my way inside the clinic behind the bench I had been sitting on.

"I'm here for Doctor Moji," I said to the receptionist behind the front desk.

She glanced at a chart before standing from her seat. "If you'll follow me, I'll bring you to your room."

I followed her and she placed my chart in a bin hanging on the door before closing me inside the small room. I sat on the bed to wait.

I had searched high and low for Sasuke, but had yet to find any sign of him. I had even switched tactics and had been telling people I was looking for Orochimaru, thinking someone would recognize him before they did Sasuke. And yet I still had no luck. It was as if the two of them didn't exist at all. No one I questioned knew anything, and because of my swelling belly, my pursuit ended in the Land of Earth.

I was just starting to show. To anyone who didn't know me, it would just look like I ate a big lunch. But to me it was more than that. The flutter kicks I felt were constant, and all of my clothes were beginning to feel tighter.

The door to the room opened and a young woman entered, grabbing my chart as she did so. "Hello. (Y/N) right?"

I nodded and she read through my chart. "It looks like your blood work is all up to date, so I'll just be taking a look at baby and you're free to go."

Knowing the routine, I lifted my shirt and laid down on the bed. The doctor was a medical nin, so instead of using the machine to see the baby her hands glowed green and drifted over my rounded stomach.

"Things are looking fine," she said with a smile. "Your baby is growing as we would expect."

She stepped away and I lowered my shirt. "In my chart it should mention the time I was poisoned. Is there any signs of it having an affect on the baby?"

Doctor Moji sighed and shook her head, a sympathetic look on her face. "Not that I can see. We probably won't be able to tell until after baby arrives."

That wasn't the answer I was hoping for. I wanted to know ahead of time so that I could prepare myself. Knowing that I was going to be bringing a life into the world on my own was daunting, and I wanted to be as mentally prepared as I could be.

I thanked the doctor and booked my next appointment before leaving her office.

When I walked out into the street, I was met with complete silence. I glanced around and watched as a few stragglers ran into nearby businesses and homes, shutting the doors firmly behind them. Behaviour like that was unheard of for this village. It was usually the type of place that was always bustling with travellers and activities.

I took a look around and in the distance I could see two figures approaching. They both wore wide brim, straw hats to hide their faces, and black cloaks with a red cloud pattern. That alone wasn't what made them off putting. It was the giant weapon on the larger figures back.

They stopped walking when they spotted me. The wind made the tassels on their hats swing, making it feel like we were in some sort of stand off.

The smaller figure looked up. The brim of his hat raised just enough so that I could see his eyes. The collar of his jacket hid the rest of his face.

The glow of two red sharingan stared back at me. There were only two people left in this world with eyes like that, and from where I stood I couldn't tell which one was standing before me. Either way, I stood my ground.

His eyes trailed from me to the hanging sign for the OB clinic, then back down to my swollen abdomen. I felt vulnerable beneath his gaze.

The other man reached for his weapon. There was no doubt in my mind that he would kill me without even breaking a sweat, but whichever brother of mine was with him held his hand out to stop his partner.

"Kisame, leave her be."

Hearing the voice confirmed for me who it was, and the shock of it made my blood run cold. My emotions were a confusing mix of fear and joy. Joy from seeing my brother once again, but fear of not knowing if he was willing to kill me or not.

Kisame turned his head toward Itachi. "Why?"

"She'll come with us."

My vision dotted with black spots as Itachi's genjutsu took over me. I recognized the feeling, and didn't bother fighting it. There was no use in it. When Itachi trapped you with his visual prowess, it was nearly impossible to break free unless he let you.

The last thing I saw was Itachi's partner approach me before my mind was consumed by pleasant dreams created by my subconscious.

This is where the story is going to begin taking a turn away from the original that I wrote. This is where my ideas to better the story are going to come in.

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