|Part Two|

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The file we were given on the details of our mission informed us that we were to retrieve a war criminal of the hidden leaf. We were to meet sand shinobi at a designated location at the boarder of our two lands to back the transaction. (Somehow mention the sand wanting him gone and out of their hands)

Considering the rank and severity of the mission, Kakashi and I thought it would be best to move at nightfall. That way there would be less foot traffic as we moved. Reducing our chances of coming across rogues or thieves while we rested during the day.

After the sun started to set, I headed to meet Kakashi outside the village gates. Surprisingly, he was already there.

"Ready?" He asked when he saw me. I nodded and he continued. We'll try to stay off the main path. The less people who see where we're going the better. Especially because we don't know many details about the man we're picking up."

I confirmed the plan and followed behind Kakashi as he lead the way. Usually I wasn't so submissive when it came to my job, but being in this situation made me squeamish and uncomfortable. I didn't know what was right or wrong to say, or how I was supposed to act around him in a professional setting. It made my head throb.

My mind wandered. After awhile I thought back to our conversation with Lord Third, and how he mentioned the chunin exams. Which lead to me to ask Kakashi a question. (Ew fix this what the hell)

"Are you entering team seven in the chunin exams?"

Kakashi didn't look at me as he spoke. "Would you be mad if I was?"

"No," I spoke, and he finally glanced at me over his shoulder. "It's your job as their sensei to determine if they're ready or not. Besides, I trust Sasuke to take care of himself." I paused for a moment. "And I trust you to take care of him."

Kakashi and I gazed at one another for a moment before I looked away. "But that's bordering on personal."

"It can't be helped." He shrugged. "I'm Sasuke's sensei and you're his guardian. Conversations like these are bound to happen."

The conversation ended there. We then travelled silently until the sun started peaking over the horizon, Turing the sky a soft pink, gold, and blue.

"We'll set up camp here," Kakashi said, gesturing to a small cleared area that was a fair ways from the path.

We had no need for a fire with the sun soon being overhead. With the time of year, we didn't even need blankets or sleeping bags. It was a pleasant convenience with the pressure to complete this mission in a timely matter.

After eating our rationed snacks, we had to decide who would take first watch. Because I had napped before coming, I offered and Kakashi didn't argue.

"Wake me if there's anything suspicious," Kakashi said. Then he nestled himself against the truck of a tree and closed his eyes.

I sat across from him. From where I sat I could just barely see the pastel clouds cushioning the sun as it inches higher in the sky. It was beautiful to see. Usually on missions I would get to see the sunset— which was equally as stunning— but this was a different beauty. Sunsets were darker colours. Magenta and navy blue. This was something completely different.

Once the sun crested the horizon and the colours faded, I glanced at Kakashi to see he was already watching me.

"I thought you were sleeping."

He shrugged. "I'm not tired."

Tension hung in the air as we watched one another. Neither of us moved or blinked. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and the place between my legs ached deeply.

Bump Buddies: Take Two حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن