|Part Eighteen|

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⚠️Trigger Warning - Mentions of abortion
Once again, please be aware that this may be a sensitive topic for some. So use kindness in the comment section.


A week passed since I left home, and I travelled endlessly the whole time. I couldn't travel fast, since I was still nauseous and tired all the time, but I had made my way to the Land of Lightning. Travelling along its boarder.

Most villages along bordering lands were small. They were mostly populated with farmers and poor families trying to scrape by, but not the one I had stumbled across.

The town was bustling. People flooded through the streets where vendors and salespeople tried to entice others to buy their goods. It was refreshing. I found the cheapest inn to stay at, and once I paid for a weeks stay, I headed out to find the type of clinic I had been searching for.

It was a small building tucked in an alley. A sign with the image of a mother and her baby hung above the door. I looked up and down the street to insure no one was watching, but not a single person paid attention as I made my way to the entrance.

It was a general OB/GYN clinic. Which meant even though they did procedures like the one I was after, they also offered prenatal and post natal care for moms and moms-to-be. So when I walked in, I was met with a swarm of happy mothers and fathers with their happy, tiny babies. It was a bit overwhelming.

I did my best not to look at any of the babies as I walked to the main reception desk. A nurse greeted me once I got there.

"Good afternoon. What can I help you with?"

Glancing around, I leaned in close before whispering, "I'm pregnant, and— um, I don't want to be."

Her smile didn't falter and she nodded in understanding. When she spoke she used a low tone as I had. "Are you new to our clinic?"

I nodded and she collected a stack of papers before securing them to a clipboard. She then handed it to me with a pen. "This is the paperwork we require from you as a new patent, as well a a phycological evaluation which is required for the procedure you're requesting."

I thanked her and retreated to the furthest corner of the waited room. No one was seated there, which was exactly what I wanted.

The paperwork I was provided asked for my general information. Full name, date and place of birth, how far along I was and so forth. It then asked for my insurance information which I skipped entirely.

Leaving the leaf village technically categorized me as a rogue ninja. Which meant my insurance was invalid. It didn't bother me. I knew it would happened when I decided to leave, which is why I brought every cent I had to cover my costs.

The next few pages were more personal. Asking about my living arrangements, my relationship with the father of my child, and my financial state. It then asked if I suffered from depression or anxiety, to which I checked yes.

The final question at the bottom of the page gave me pause. Please list your reason for this procedure.

Was I supposed to list only one? How about the father was uninvolved? I'm now a rogue ninja with no place to call home? I was poisoned with a toxin and treated for it while I've been pregnant? My mind spun with the abundance of reasons I had, but I was pulled from my thoughts as a woman sat across from me.

She had a sling around her neck that held her baby close to her chest. As she sat down, her bag fell open, spilling diapers and other baby items I couldn't name on the floor.

She let out an exasperated sigh. I could tell she was having an off day, so before she could bend over I knelt down and started collecting her things.

"Thank you so much," she said. "These days I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached."

I zipped her bag shut and handed it back to her. From where I sat I had a perfect view of her baby. It had a full head of black, pin straight hair and olive coloured skin. It's cheeks round and full.

"How old?" I found myself asking.

The woman looked down at her baby and ran her fingers over its soft skin. "She's four weeks. How far along are you?"

I hesitated before answering. Mostly because I hadn't given it any thought until now. "About nine weeks. I don't know for sure."

"You're just getting started!" She joked with a soft laugh.

I returned to my seat and watched as she gazed down at her daughter. Her hair was a matted mess, and the bags under her eyes were dark and heavy. She looked completely drained and exhausted, but more than that she looked truly happy. Her smile was effortless as she gently cradled her baby in her arms.

The clipboard suddenly felt heavy in my hand. Like it didn't belong there.

"Excuse me," I said, and the woman gave me a small wave.

I walked back up to the reception desk and the nurse treated me sweetly just like she had before. "All done, hun?"

Sliding the clipboard towards her, my mouth suddenly went dry. "I don't think I'll actually need this. Could I meet with an OB instead?"

"Of course," she said. She then checked the paperwork before removing the second portion and feeding it through the shredder. "If you want to have a seat, I'll find an available doctor for you."

I thanked her and returned to my previous seat. The woman was now feeding her baby, humming silently as she rocked side-to-side.

"Can you tell me what it's like?" I asked her, my voice barely a whisper.

She seemed delighted by the question. "Of course! Anything in particular that you want to know?"

"No," I shook my head. "Tell me everything."

•   •   •

Journal Entry One

I never thought I would have kids. After taking care of Sasuke for so many years I thought I'd live the life I should have once he could take care of himself. Yet, here I am, going to be a mom. I guess taking care of others is just my lot in life.

I'll be staying in the Land of Lightning for now. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to afford a child or support myself as of right now. My savings will only get me so far. There's always the option to go home, but I don't think I'll ever be ready to face Kakashi. Not now, knowing how replaceable I was to him. And now that I've made the decision to keep the baby I don't think I could handle his rejection a second time.



As a mom this is such a bizarre thing to write. In the original story I had no idea what I was talking about, crazy to think of where I am now in comparison haha

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