|Part Six|

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This assignment was a lot less stressful than the one I had with Kakashi. It was only a day trip to a small village outside the hidden leaf, to receive the information file and return home. In reality, if we moved fast enough, we should be able to have it completed by the late afternoon.

Genma was already waiting at the gate when I arrived. His hands were tucked in his pockets as he casually leaned against the wall. Once he spotted me, he openly watched at I approached with a small smile on his face.

"How nice of you to join me," he teased. He pushed off the wall and stood in front of me. He wasn't as tall as Kakashi, but I still had to crane my neck to look at him.

"You're early," I stated.

Genma glanced at the sky, the sun barely reaching its peak. Without a cloud in the sky it's rays openly beat down on us. He then gave me a cheeky grin, his senbon hanging from his teeth. "I wanted to set a good impression."

I pursed my lips trying not to smile. His charm was amusing, but we had a mission to do.

"Let's go," I said, and walked past him. "I want to get back as soon as possible."

Genma kept pace with me. Our shoulders only inches apart as we walked down the main path away from the village.

"So, what's the plan Captain?" He asked.

I shot him a look after hearing what he called me. "Go to the meeting spot, collect the folder, then return."

"How boring," he huffed.

We walked in silence for no more than a couple minutes before Genma started up another conversation. It was so out of routine for me to be on a mission with someone so talkative. Usually it was a silent journey to and from the designated location.

"So how do you know Kurenai?" He asked. "I don't remember you from when she and I were in the academy."

"We met through assignment after I became a jonin. Before she became a sensei."

It was almost comforting to tell someone about myself. Like the dam of my emotions had sprung a leak, giving me the slightest bit of relief. Other than Kurenai, I had never shared small details about myself with anyone. But that could of course be because I set boundaries in the form of rules like I had with Kakashi.

"Why didn't you become a teacher?" He then asked.

I raised an annoyed brow. "Why have you decided to be nothing but the hokage's dog?"

Genma glared at me, but I could tell it wasn't genuine. I could see the suppressed amusement on his face. "You can't compare the two. Being a sensei is something you can choose, being a dog is earned."

"In that case," I sighed. "I never had the time. I barely had time to go on missions myself."

"Why's that?"

Was this what a date was like? Spending time together and getting to know one another? Because at this rate Genma would know more about me than anyone else ever has, and that fact gave me a warm feeling in my chest.

"Because of my brother. I'm his guardian."

I glanced at Genma once he didn't answer and saw that he was watching me with a shocked expression. His mouth hanging open so that his senbon was dangling loosely between his lips.

Once he caught me looking, he did his best to recover. Replacing his big eyes with a cheeky smirk. "So you're a milf?"

A wave of heat passed through me and I stopped walking. "What!? No! I'm not even his mom, I'm his sister!"

"So— silf?"

"Stop!" I begged, covering my face with my hands.

Genma's laugh distracted me. It was a sweet, warm sound. Like honey. It made my stomach flutter. Maybe because I never heard Kakashi laugh so genuinely before. I've heard him chuckle and snicker, but never such a thoughtlessly happy laugh.

"I'm sorry," he said once he composed himself. "I'm just joking. But really, you look too young to be a guardian. How old is your brother?"

"He's twelve."

Genma took that information better than he initially took hearing about my guardianship.

"You're pretty impressive. You know that?"

My body temperature was getting dangerously high. My palms were growing clammy and I could feel the stickiness of sweat under my arms.

"Okay! No more cheeky banter or comments! Focus on the mission."

Genma chuckled. "Whatever you say, Captain."

•     •     •

We arrived at the location without incident. The folder was given to us without any problem,  and Genma and I were back on the road earlier than I had hoped or expected.

As I had asked, Genma kept the jokes and teasing to a minimum. But a part of me want him to do it more. I didn't like to admit it, but I enjoyed hearing it. It made me feel seen and wanted in a way that wasn't sexual.

"So," I began, hoping to loop him back into it without outwardly asking. "You never answered my question. Why haven't you explored other areas besides being bodyguard to the hokage?"

Genma shrugged. "I don't feel the need. I like my job, and I like that the more stressful matters are handled by other people. My job is to protect the strongest man in the village. It's pretty cozy."

It made sense. Not everyone liked being in the centre of the action. I did, and those around me seemed to, but not everyone had to feel the same way.

"I can understand that. Though I don't know if I can respect it," I tried to convey I was joking in my tone. Though admittedly humour wasn't my strong suit.

Genma seemed to pick up on it, leaning forward so that our faces were only inches apart. "Are you teasing me, (Y/N)?"

I pursed my lips. "No. I don't think so."

A devilish grin played at the corners of Genma's lips. He leaned away and chuckled to himself as we continued to walk.

We soon reached the village gates and the two of us dropped the playful act. Taking on a serious demeanour as we made our way to the administrative office with the file. We were welcomed in immediately, and the hokage thanked us and paid us our wages before dismissing us.

"I guess I'll see you around," I said. "You weren't so bad to work with."

Genma gave a slight bow once we reached the exit. "You're not so bad yourself."

I felt a bit awkward as I turned to leave. I wanted to stay with him a little longer, and I could feel him continue to watch me as I started walking towards home.

"(Y/N)—" I spun around when he spoke my name. "I enjoyed flirting with you. We should do it again sometime."

And with that he turned on his heel and waved to me over his shoulder. Leaving me standing in the middle of the street with flutters in my stomach and heat spreading over my cheeks.

So... Kakashi and Genma aren't actually all that tall. I think Genma is 5'9 (175 cm) if I remember correctly. And Kakashi is 5'11 (180 cm). If you're anything like me (I'm 5'8 or 172 cm) you would not have to crane your neck to look at these men lol. So lets just pretend they're tall

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