|Part Sixteen|

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⚠️Trigger Warning - Meantions of abortion
Please be aware that, even though I don't mind, comments such as "deletus the fetus" can be upsetting for some. Please use discretion.


Kurenai had poured us both a cup of tea. Coffee would have been better suited for this situation, but tea would have to do. Was I even allowed coffee anymore? I didn't know.

Kurenai didn't push me to speak, which I appreciated. It took me awhile to sort through the tangle of thoughts in my head before I was ready to share them.

"I don't know what to do," I spoke honestly.

Kurenai let that sentence sit for a moment before she tentatively asked. "Don't know what to do about what?"

I sucked in a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

The room fell into a silence so thick I could barely breathe in it. When I looked up, Kurenai's red eyes were wide with shock.

"Do you know you the father is?" She asked, her words slow and calculated so she wouldn't upset me.

I nodded. "It's— um. It's Kakashi's."

Her mouth hung open as she stared at me. The cup in her hand drooped, and the warm liquid began to pour over the edge and drip onto the table.

"Your tea, Kurenai," I said, and she quickly shook her head and used a napkin to clean up the mess.

"I didn't know the two of you had a relationship. Other than him being Sasuke's sensei."

"That's because we agreed not to tell anyone. It started not long after he took on his team of genin. It happened organically, but we decided to continue it and keep it casual with some boundaries."

"Boundaries?" She questioned.

I nodded. "We agreed on three rules. The first being that we stayed exclusive until either of us decided to cut things off for someone else. The second was we kept it a secret between the two of us, and last we didn't ask each other any personal questions."

Kurenai crossed her arms and leaned against the table. "That makes me feel a bit better about you hiding it from me."

"Yeah sorry. I ended things with him yesterday, so the rules don't really apply anymore."


"Rule number one. Genma was here the other day and tried to kiss me. I couldn't take that step with him in good conscience, knowing I was still seeing Kakashi on the side."

Kurenai let out a long breath. "Oh boy."

"I know," I groaned. "I don't know what to do."

"Do you plan on telling either of them?"

"I don't know." I sounded like a broken record. Repeating the same line over and over, but it was all I could say. "I don't know how to handle any of it. Or where to even start."

Kurenai rested a supportive hand on my arm. A kind smile lighting up her face. "Do you want me to make some suggestions? Or do you just need me to listen right now?"

I had to bite back a sob. Out of everyone that had come and gone in my life, Kurenai had been the most constant. My confidant and friend no matter the problem. I didn't know what I did to deserve her.

"No. I think I need some suggestions. Just talking about it won't solve anything."

Her hand remained where it was. "Okay. Some of it might not be easy to hear."

I nodded for her to continue.

"The first option is that you could decide not to keep it. I would go with you for support, and neither Kakashi nor Genma will ever have to know." That had been something I'd thought about, but it didn't feel right. "Or," she continued, "you can go talk to Kakashi. Make a decision together. He might surprise you. Then based off what he says you can decide how to approach Genma after."

That option sounded better. The idea of getting rid of it like nothing happened felt wrong. At least it did without discussing it with Kakashi. It took both of us to get into this situation, it should be up to both of us to decide how to move forward.

"That sounds like a good idea," I nodded. "Like you said, he might surprise me."

A knock at my door broke off our conversation. I didn't move to answer it, frozen in place. The only person that had been stopping by lately was Genma, and I wasn't ready to face him.

"Want me to get it?" Kurenai asked.

I shook my head. "No. There's no use hiding."

I got up and headed to the front door. As my hand gripped the handle, I sucked in a deep breath, then opened the door.

To my surprise, it wasn't Genma. Or Kakashi or anyone else I could have thought it would be. Instead, it was Sasuke's pink haired teammate.

"Sakura? Is everything okay?" I asked.

Her head was hung and she wouldn't meet my gaze. Her body language made me feel unsettled.

"It's Sasuke," she began, and my heart rate spiked. "He left last night. He went after Orochimaru."

It was suddenly hard to breathe. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, threatening to break free. The beat of it pulsed in my ears. Sakura said something else, but I didn't hear her. My mind was spinning. How could he leave? Just like that? With no goodbye?

The little girl inside of me wanted to scream. To ask the universe why me? Why was it that no one in my life wanted to stay with me?

I turned around to see Kurenai watching me from the table. She had heard everything, and I could see the pity in her eyes.

"I'm going to talk to him," I stated, then pushed past Sakura.

Kurenai didn't need to ask who I was talking about. She knew exactly where I was going, and as I walked away I could feel her eyes following me.

What else could possibly go wrong?

Happy new year everyone!

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