|Part Fifteen|

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A couple days passed and I felt better. Not physically, I was still nauseous every morning, but mentally. Whether that was because I was getting over Kakashi or was growing numb to it, I wasn't sure.

I was now sitting in a hospital room. A nurse had taken blood and urine samples as per the doctors request, and now I got to sit back and relax while I waited for results.

My nausea had subsided from that morning, but I was still groggy. I could feel myself drifting off as the door slid open, banging against it's frame. It made me jump.

I turned in my seat to greet my new doctor, but my words lodged in my throat as I laid eyes on the woman in front of me. My old sensei, and she hadn't aged a day since I last saw her.

"Tsunade," I stated plainly.

She walked around my bed to the small desk in the corner. She narrowed her eyes at me. Not in a glare, but a stern expression.

"You will respect my title," she said.

"And what title is that? Legendary Sannin? M'lady?"

She crossed her arms over her large chest. "How is it that I become Hokage, and you don't hear about it?"

I blinked a couple times as my mind wrapped around what she said. She was Hokage. Tsunade was who the council picked after Lord Third's passing. She was right. How did I miss that?

"You becoming Hokage doesn't explain why you're in my hospital room."

I could see her brow twitching as she tried to keep herself composed. "Has it been so long that you forgot my expertise? The medical shinobi assigned your case asked me for assistance, since they have no idea what kind of toxin was used on you."

"Carry on then, Lady Fifth."

I could see the irritated tick in her jaw, but I didn't care. The resentment I held for her ran deep within me. That didn't change just because she gained a new title.

She tossed a chart on the desk. "Based on your blood work, it looks like the toxin has mostly worked its way through your system."

"Great," I said. "Then I'll just ride out the last of it at home."

"Not so fast," Tsunade said, stopping me as I moved to leave. "There's more."

She looked a bit uncomfortable from what she was about to share next. Her eyes closed, and she turned her head away from me. "Your urine sample came back as well. You're pregnant."

"No," I said bluntly. I didn't feel panicked at all, because I knew there was no way it was true. "You're wrong. I'm on the pill."

"No form of contraception is a hundred percent affective," she explained. "Sometimes something as simple as taking the pill at a different time of day than you usually do can cause it to be ineffective."

My mind drifted to the empty pill container at Kakashi's. I hadn't thought anything of it, since it was the last one before my cycle. Obviously that didn't matter.

I still couldn't believe it. "I don't have any symptoms."

"No nausea? Extreme fatigue? Changes in apatite or mood?"

As she listed them, I check off each one in my mind. The mere thought of it made the room spin and my nausea returned.

"How-" I cleared my throat. "How far along?"

Tsunade glanced down at the chart. "Just about eight weeks. Still new. I wouldn't do an ultrasound for another two weeks."

Ultrasound. To see the baby that's growing inside of me. The baby that Kakashi and I made. It was so bizarre to think about, and it truly felt like something out of a dream where I could pinch myself and wake up. But I wasn't that lucky.

"Are you okay? Do you need someone to take you home?"

The concern in Tsunade's voice disgusted me. Where was this concern for me when she left the village? Leaving me behind while she took her other pupil to travel the world.

"I'm fine," I said, then stood to leave without another word.

What was I supposed to do? That was the question I pondered as I walked home. Kakashi and I weren't together. It wasn't like we had been dating and in love when we created this small being. Not to mention that I was just getting to a point in my life where I could be selfish and think of what I wanted. Not what would affect the child in my care. The imaginary finish line I had envisioned for myself was so close, only to be moved out of sight.


I looked up to see Kurenai standing in front of me. She had a paper bag of groceries in her arms, red apples peaking over the top of the bag.

"Hi," I mumbled in greeting.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "I know you've been recovering since the exam, but you don't look well."

I wanted to tell her that was because I looked how I felt. Nothing was going right, and I didn't know what to do.

My eyes glossed over and I quickly cast my eyes to the ground. I hoped she didn't see, but I wasn't so lucky.

Kurenai hooked her arm around my own. "I don't know what's going on, but let's get you home. You can tell me all about it when we get there if you want."

Her words were so simple, but the kindness of them sent me over the edge and my body shook with a sob.

Kurenai then wrapped her arm around my shoulders, pulling me into her side and doing her best to hide me from onlookers with her grocery bag.

"Thank you," I spoke once I could. Then I let my best friend take me home.


A short one because I'm tired

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