|Part Twelve|

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After two days of resting, as the nurse suggested, I was still struggling with nausea and the occasional puking. I also noticed I was always exhausted. I couldn't make it through my day without a nap, which was unheard of for me. This morning in particular had been so bad that I could barely get out of bed. It was a miracle I made it to the couch. Which is where I stayed until Sasuke came home.

He came storming through the door like an angry bull. Slamming it behind him and throwing his stuff across the table.

"What happened?" I asked him, watching him from where I was nestled in the corner of the couch.

He groaned and grit his teeth. "As soon as I think I've bested him, Naruto always gets stronger! I can't keep up!"

"That's okay. Some people learn faster than others. It just takes time." That was not the right thing to say.

His face grew red with anger and faster than I could register, he pulled out a kunai and flung it at the wall. The knife imbedded itself deep in the white drywall.

I sat in stunned silence as Sasuke controlled his breathing. Once he was calm, I spoke. "Why does it matter if he's stronger than you right now anyway? You have the potential to be twice the shinobi he is. It's just a matter of time."

"I don't have time," he spat. "I need to be stronger now so I can kill Itachi."

I was once again too shocked to react right away. Sasuke had talked about seeking revenge on our brother before, and I couldn't blame him. I felt the same anger and confusion he did. That being said, I never thought he would follow through with it.

"Gaining power like Itachi's takes time, Sasuke. It also takes a lot of discipline and focus. You have two of those things, you just need to be patient."

I could see him grinding his teeth before he tore into me again. Yelling loud enough that the neighbours could definitely hear him.

As I listened, I began to feel woozy. The floor swaying beneath my feet. "Sasuke."

He didn't hear me, so I said it again. "Sasuke."

He didn't answer, and my stomach didn't give me anymore time before it heaved and emptied itself on the floor.

The room fell silent. "Sorry," I apologized. And though it was only bile, it still sprayed over Sasuke's shoes.

He sighed, his anger melting into annoyance. "When's your next check up?"

"A few days."

Sasuke took a step back. "You should go in sooner. If you're still this sick, the toxin could still be present in your system."

"I know. I'll go in tomorrow if I'm feeling up to it."

I started walking towards the kitchen, needing to get the right supplies to clean the mess I had left on the floor.

"Don't bother," Sasuke said, stepping in front of me. "Go clean up and go to bed or something. I'll clean up."

I was too nauseated and tired to argue, so I mumbled a thank you and padded over to the bathroom. I got my toothbrush ready and leaned against the sink. It was times like this, when I was sick, that I wished I had a bath. Soaking in warm water with a cold cloth on my face sounded heavenly right now.

Kakashi had a bathtub. A deep one with wide sides that he left his reading material on. That was what I wanted.

Not feeling up for the walk to his house, and being too exhausted to to find an excuse to give Sasuke, I wandered back to my room and flipped onto my bed. Not planning on moving unless I absolutely needed to.

This one is so short it's actually a bit embarrassing. But I'm so busy that this is all I could come up with

We're getting to the good stuff now :D

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