|Part Twenty|

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My eyes shot open and darted around the room. It didn't feel like I slept, but instead as if I was emerging from a pitch black abyss I hadn't been able to escape from, only to find myself surrounded in more shadowy darkness lit only by candlelight. And beyond it, I could see two glowing, red eyes.

"You didn't have to knock me out, you know. I would have went with you willingly."

The candles flame seemed to grow brighter and I was barely able to make out Itachi's silhouette as he moved towards me. He didn't speak until he was hovering over my bedside.

"What are you doing this far from the Leaf?" He asked.

"Looking for Sasuke. I don't know if you've heard—"

He cut me off. "I know he's training under Orichimaru."

I should have guessed as much. Even before he left the village, nothing got past Itachi. "I left unannounced and am considered a rogue nin. I have no intentions of going back."

Itachi slowly lowered himself onto the bed. His eyes drifted to my slightly rounded stomach. "Would your pregnancy have anything to do with that?"

I didn't say anything, which was an answer in itself.

"If you don't want to discuss it, we don't have to."

"I'm just not ready to. Especially with someone I haven't seen since we were young, and who also massacred his own clan."

Itachi didn't seem fazed by my accusation, and simply moved on with the conversation. "Do you have a plan then? If you're not going to return."

"No," I admitted. "I'm beginning to run low on funds, and have no where to stay long term. Not to mention I don't really know what I'm doing."

"Stay here."

I glanced around, trying to determine what exactly "here" was. It seemed like an old cabin. With nothing more than a bed, wood stove and a large basin of water. A pile of wood took up most of the free space between the unlit fireplace and the bed.

"It's not much, but it will keep you warm, won't cost you anything and is only a short walk from the nearest town."

"How would your brute of a partner feel about that?"

"Kisame—" he said the name as if I should be sure to remember it, "won't say anything as long as I tell him not to."

"And how can I trust you?"

"I guess you can't." He admitted. "I'd like to explain everything to you, but I can't. Just know that you and Sasuke are always safe when it comes to me, so this is yours."

As much as my gut screamed at me to say no, an even bigger part of me trusted him too much to refuse his offer. And where was I going to go otherwise? This was my only option.

I nodded. "I'll stay."

Itachi stood from the bed and turned so that I was staring at his back. "You'll be alone most of the time. Kisame and I will visit when we can but otherwise you'll be on your own. The nearest town is a fifteen minute walk from the main trail."

"If this Kisame guy is going to be helping you watch me, I should probably meet him."

Itachi nodded and walked toward the door, but before he left he half turned to me. "Despite everything, it is good to see you."

I didn't get the chance to answer before he was gone. Then I only had a few minutes to myself to look around at my new home before the door swung open once more.

The other man, Kisame, had to duck to fit through the doorframe. Then, when he looked up, my eyes locked on his toothy grin full of pointed teeth.

"Kisame, this is my sister (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Kisame," Itachi introduced.

Kisame's eyes were dark and soulless much like that of a fish, but his smile didn't waver as he spoke. "You're lucky I didn't take you out. I was distracted but your overwhelming chakra."

I struggled to find the right words to say as I wrapped my head around his words. In all my years as a shinobi, I was never known for being overly special. My techniques and skills were always deemed average and meeting the expectations for my rank. Having someone tell me I had an overwhelming chakra was unheard of.

"We have to go," Itachi said and turned to leave. "We'll come by when we can. Take care of yourself."

I merely nodded in response as I watched them leave into the darkness of night.

•   •   •

Journal Entry Six

I was so worried I wouldn't be able to do this on my own. That I would be broken down and desperate by the time this baby came that it would force me to go home. If that was the case not only would I have to admit that I couldn't find Sasuke, but I'd have to admit that having this baby might not have been the right choice.

But I found help. I don't know if I'm any more safe than I was before, but it's my only real option.

Knowing you, you'd probably tell me to just come home. If you knew my situation you'd tell me to swallow my pride and do the right thing, but I don't think you understand how it feels to disappoint you. Or have to admit fault to you. It's not easy, and it scares me.

Right now my goal is just to keep me and this baby as safe as I can, so that maybe one day, if I'm brave enough, the two of you can meet.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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