|Part Seventeen|

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As I approached Kakashi's door, I started to second guess myself. I had no idea how this conversation would go. I had to tell him I was pregnant, but I also had to confront him about Sasuke. Did he know about him leaving the village? Did he just choose not to tell me?

I took the key from its usual spot, and without thinking anything of it I walked into his apartment.

My mouth opened to call out to him, but the words caught in my throat as the distinct sound of Kakashi's creaky bed frame and a woman's moans flooded through the apartment.

My chest felt tight as I listened to the lewd sounds coming from the bedroom. I knew I should leave, but I couldn't. My legs acted with a mind of their own and carefully carried me down the hall until I stood in front of the bedroom door.

My shaking fingers gripped the handle, slowly sliding it open. Just enough so that I could barely see through the crack.

Once I peered inside, my whole body went numb. Kakashi had a woman pinned to the wall, holding her one leg up as he thrusted into her. She was a beautiful woman from what I could see, and her pale fingers tangled themselves in the same silver hair like mine once had.

I didn't bother closing the door as I left. I wanted to get out of there as quickly and quietly as possible. Closing the front door painfully slow before locking it and returning the key to its hiding place, forcing myself to walk home as my mind spun.

When I walked back inside my own apartment, Kurenai jumped up from where she sat on the couch.

"That was fast. What happened?"

"I didn't tell him," was all I said as I headed to my bedroom.

I found my travel bag in my closet and tossed it on the bed. I then proceeded to go through the clothes hanging in my closet and throwing the ones I liked towards my bag.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Kurenai asked, standing in the middle of my room to watch me.

"He was preoccupied."

Realization washed over Kurenai's face before it was replaced with a frown. I ignored her, shoving my clothes in my bag before moving to my dresser.

"What are you doing?" She asked.


I grabbed handfuls of socks and underwear from my top drawer, and once they were in my bag I went back for my journal.

"Leaving? No, stop." Kurenai stepped between me and the closet, so I moved to my bed instead.

Between my mattress and bed frame was where I kept a small, wooden box. It had a small locking mechanism, and I grabbed the key taped on the inside of my lamp shape to open it.

I lifted the lid to reveal my life's savings. Taking the bundles of money, I began stuffing them in my bag as Kurenai tried to reason with me.

"Can you please rethink what you're doing?" She asked. "What about Genma?"

"I'm sure he'll get the hint," I said, picking up my bag and heading to the kitchen.

Opening the cupboards, I tossed the remainder of the snacks I had into my bag. They were quick things like crackers, energy bars and trail mix that were easy to eat on missions. They'd have to do. Once that was done I went to my bathroom to gather toiletries.

Kurenai watched me silently as I packed a smaller bag for my soaps and toothbrush, but once I moved to leave she spread her arms to block the doorway.

"Can you at least tell me what's going on in your head? Where do you plan to go?"

Part of me didn't want to tell her. I didn't want her running to Kakashi to tell him about the baby and where I was going, or running to Genma to tell him I ran away. But I knew her better than that. She wouldn't do that to me.

"I'm going after Sasuke. Wherever he is, that's where I'm going."

She stepped aside and I went to my bag that was on the dining table. I put my toiletries inside and zipped it shut.

Heading to the front door, I pulled on my shoes and grabbed the warmest jacket I owned. I didn't know where I was going, so I needed to be prepared for anything.

I finally stopped as I went to open the door. Kurenai stood behind me, watching helplessly.

"Here," I said, handing her my house key. "I won't be gone forever. I'll find Sasuke, then come back to face my other problems head on. So I will be coming back to get this from you eventually."

Kurenai took the key and nodded. I could tell she wanted to stop me. Wanted to find some way to convince me to stay, but she knew better. I had made a decision, and that was that.

"Just, be careful please," she said in defeat.

"I will. Thank you, Kurenai."

I quickly ran to give her a tight hug, then walked through the door.

I'd be lying to say I didn't have any doubts. That's about all I had. Thinking about the baby, and Kakashi, and Genma made me wonder if finding Sasuke should be my priority at all. But as I walked further and further away from the village, those problems seemed to grow smaller and smaller.

So I kept walking.

Sorry it's been awhile. Pregnancy with a toddler kicked my butt and now that I have two kids the spare time I have to write is very minimal. As well as my motivation to do so

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