|Part Ten|

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Nearly two weeks passed after Sasuke and Kakashi left. I tried to keep my mind busy, focussing on the upcoming exams and mapping out a formation for my squad. Now, I stood in the changing room of the arena. Other shinobi readying their weapons and uniforms around me.

"You look good in uniform."

I spun around to see Genma leaning against the lockers. My ears grew warm from my embarrassment. It was rare for me to wear my green vest. I always chose to my own clothes unless required to do otherwise.

"I wish I could say the same to you," I shot back, but it wasn't the truth at all. The navy, loose sweatpants and long sleeve shirt suited him.

He chuckled and stepped closer to me. "I just came to wish you luck. I'll be watching the stands to catch a glimpse of you."

I bit my lip and watched him leave. He was able to say such flirtatious things without seeming fazed. It was frustrating, especially because his words had such a hold on me.

"Alright everyone. Let's round up and get to our post," I spoke to the group. Each person did as told and we walked out into the arena.

My team was stationed at the highest level of public seating. From where we stood, we could see pedestrians filing in from the entrances and finding their seats. I leaned my back against a pillar and scanned the area. Nothing seemed to be of concern.

Once the arena was packed full, the first two genin stepped out into the centre of the field. I could see Genma stand between them, explaining the rules before letting them fight.

It was interesting to see him work. Though we had been on a mission together, it had been such a low risk that he joked around the entire time. Right now he was taking his job as proctor seriously, and it was amusing to watch.

With each round that took place, I grew more and more worried about Sasuke. I hadn't seen him or Kakashi. It was just like the silver haired man to be late, but Sasuke was the type of person to always be on time. If not early. My mind reeled thinking that something might have happened to them. Especially as each match passed and the numbers dwindled. Then when his name was finally called, he was nowhere to be seen.

It was hard to control my breathing as panic set in. I listened to Genma state that they'd move his fight to the end in hopes he'd show up, and I could only hope he would.

The exams continued, and in true Kakashi fashion, he and Sasuke showed up barely in time for his match.

Neither of them looked any different than when they left, but even from where I stood at the top of the arena I could feel the air of confidence that surrounded Sasuke. That same confidence followed into his match. His speed and agility were both strengthened, which was amazing for only a couple weeks worth of training.

As I watch, I felt my eyelids begin to droop. Around me viewers and shinobi alike were falling over asleep or fighting exhaustion.

Genjutsu, I thought, and released it before I lost consciousness.

I looked down into the arena to see that Sasuke and his opponent were no longer fighting, and my fight or flight response kicked in. Who was preforming the genjutsu? And why? Was it Orochimaru in an attempt to get at Sasuke?

I ran to the nearest shinobi who had been affected by the jutsu and released him from it. His eyes blinked open and he glanced around.

"I didn't mean to—" I held my hand up to keep him quiet.

"It wasn't your fault. It's a genjutsu. I need you to go around and release anyone else that was affected. I'm going to try and find someone who might have a better idea of what's going on."

The man nodded and I left him to go to the lower level of the arena. Every single patron I passed was slumped over, alseep. Whether it was against a wall, in their seat or just in the middle of the walkway, they snoozed peacefully.

"(Y/N)!" I looked up to see Gui waving at me. Next to him stood Kakashi.

"What's going on?" I asked as I approached.

Gui shook his head. "We're not sure. It seems that—"

The entrance doors slammed open and enemy shinobi filed through them. They swarmed like flies around us, their weapons shining in the sun.

Two attacked me head on. One swung a kunai in a downward swoop, but I caught their wrist and changed their trajectory so that the knife nestled itself deep into the thigh of the other shinobi. Once they both were distracted, I shoved them over the railing.

"I bet I can get more than you!" Gui spoke to Kakashi. An eager grin lit up his face as he sent a ninja tumbling to the lower level.

This was so not the time for the two of them to start a friendly competition, but Kakashi agreed and the two of them began to count how many opponents they hurled down to the next level. It was completely ridiculous, but seemed to keep them moving at a steady pace.

It was strange to see a playful side of Kakashi. A side of him that could have fun, laugh and joke around. Even in a serious situation such as this one. I couldn't understand why he didn't trust me enough to show me the more complex parts of who he was. It seemed to come so easily to Genma.

Being lost in my thoughts allowed one of the perpetrators to get the best of me. They gripped my wrist, and thrust their kunai toward my stomach with the intention to burry it in my flesh. I recovered in time to dodge, but not completely. The blade sliced through my uniform and left a long cut along my abdomen.
A burning pain erupted though the surrounding flesh, and I used every bit of my strength to knee my attacker in the gut and shove them over the railing.

My stomach felt sick and I gripped the rail to steady myself, but then the ground itself began to shake.

I looked around to find the source, and that's when my eyes landed on the kage's box. Vines and roots wrapped around it. As they grew larger and thicker the kage's box began to disappear from sight. Consumed by nature.

"That can't be good," Gui spoke. "We should get over there and help."

Kakashi and Gui turned to head in that direction. I went to follow them, but as soon as I took a step my legs gave out from under me. I reached out and grabbed whatever I could. Which just so happened to be the back of Kakashi's uniform.

"What are you—" his question cut short as I fell to the floor. My vision was beginning to blur and all my muscles were ceasing in a painfully tight cramp.

"(Y/N)? What happened?" Kakashi knelt next to me and I felt his hands searching for injuries until he reached my stomach.

My vision was no longer reliable. I could make out faint shapes and colours, but I couldn't see clear enough to make out what was happening around me.

"This is probably what caused this," Gui spoke, but I couldn't see what he was talking about.

Pressure was applied to my wound and I wanted to cry out in pain, but my jaw was locked shut. A small graze shouldn't hurt the way it did. There was something else going on, but I couldn't tell what.

"(Y/N), can you move?" Kakashi asked.

I had no way of replying to him. I couldn't move my body, couldn't speak. I'd be lucky if I could so much as blink.

"We need a medic." Was the last thing I heard Kakashi say before the pain became too unbearable, and I lost all consciousness.

Hey everyone! I'm just letting you know that updates might be a bit further apart than usual for awhile. I live in a very small town, which right now is surrounded by forest fires. My mom is on evacuation notice, which means she has to be ready at all times to leave her home. Which means a notice for my area isn't far behind.
So add that stress on top of the fact that I'm supposed to be getting married in 14 days and I just have no time to write haha
Everyone stay safe out there!

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