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The wind blew strands of her long, blonde hair across her face, Lily whisked it away with her fingers and held on to her hat before the strong wind blew it away. She rushed to the corner bakery and once inside it took a moment for her to catch her breath.

Walking up to the long counter where all the delicious pastries were displayed, Lily pointed to one of them and smiled, "I'll take that one, and a cup of hot chocolate, please."

"Yes mam," the server said, and immediately proceeded to prepare her order, as Lily stood and watched with fascination how fast the server moved. "That will be seven dollars and eighty five cents please." The server said, and placed the hot chocolate and French pastry on the counter.

Lily pulled out a ten dollar bill out of her Louie Vutton wallet and handed it to the server. After the nice lady at the counter gave the change to Lily, she took the money and placed it in the tip jar.

Walking over to a table near a warm fireplace that was in the middle of the shop, Lily placed her hot chocolate and pastry on the table, her briefcase on the floor and removed her hat and coat and hung it over the other empty chair that was around the table.

She immediately felt the warmth of the fire on her cheeks and was grateful she found a table near the fireplace to keep her warm. Bringing the cup to her lips she took a few hot sips of the hot chocolate and closed her eyes as the liquid glided down her throat.

"Excuse me Miss, did you find a pair of Cartier sunglasses on this table?"

His voice was deep and very masculine, and sent shivers up and down her spine that had nothing to do with the weather. Lily turned her head and looked upwards, "I'm sorry I did not." She replied, as her eyes took in the tall, dark and handsome man that stared down at her with an accusing glare.

"Are you sure, I left them here not five minutes ago!" He added, "and I came as quickly as......"

"Are you implying I took them?" Lily snapped, suddenly not liking this gorgeous man's attitude. "Cause I can assure you I....."

The man's whiskey colored eyes slowly took in the delightful sight before him from the top of her head all the way down to her shoes, and then back up again. "I never once thought that you......"

Lily jumped up from her chair angrily and reminded herself that men who looked that good and were dressed to kill were conceited pigs. "You have some nerve!"

Grabbing her coat she swiftly wore it and then reached for her hat. Placing it on top of her head, Lily then retrieved her briefcase and stalked out of the shop angrily.

The gorgeous gentleman watched the feisty young woman leave from the shop with interest. A slow smile curved his mouth, and as he walked away his presence had a powerful effect on every female in attendance.

He was sharply dressed in a very expensive business, black suit, tailored to fit his tall, lean, muscled body. His black, thousand dollar Cucci shoes shined with every step that he took, he reeked of money and power.

"Oh my!" An older woman fanned herself when he walked by her, the scent of jasmine and sandalwood filled her nostrils and the idea of becoming his cougar enticed her.

Branden smiled, as he walked past her, he knew the powerful effect he had on women ever since he was fresh out of high school. His sisters called him a conceited pig, and they were right, but it wasn't his fault, he thought, when every woman swayed in his presence, because of his striking features, sooner or later it became natural to turn into an egotistic, conceited pig.

He walked out of the shop and the wind blasted him, and ruffled his thick, raven hair, and blew away a few pieces of paper he held in his hand. Annoyed, Branden bent forward to retrieve them, but as he did so, he found a pretty pink hat laying on the ground next to his papers.

Sexy Seductive Love, book fourWhere stories live. Discover now