The Interview

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Branden stared at the closed elevator door and blinked, it took a moment for him to register what had just happened. She had turned down his offer to work at Macalister's and associates even before she was offered the job.

She had walked out on him!

No one had ever in his entire life walked out on him and he didn't know how to deal with it. Slowly turning around, he noticed that all eyes were on him. Squaring his shoulders, and lifting his chin in the air, Branden walked stiffly across the hall and back inside his office where he slammed the door shut, and wrapped his huge hand around a Waterford crystal ashtray, picking up the heavy object, he whipped it across the room. Crashing against the wall, the beautiful crystal smashed into a million pieces and scattered across the marble floor.

Anger seized him, hot boiling anger that turned his guts inside out. Who the hell did she think she was, Branden thought as he shook with rage.

The door to his office swung open and Elsa mouth dropped open when she witnessed the scene before her.

"To hell with her!" He roared, and smashed his fist on his mahogany desk in an attempt to release his fury.

"Are you all right Mr. Macalister?" Elsa asked, "can I get you a glass of water?" Or a perhaps a shrink, she thought, as she waited for him to acknowledge her.

Trying to calm himself down, Branden inhaled and exhaled a few times to release his tension, then he turned around, "Cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day." He told her in a deadly calm tone of voice.

"Yes sir." Elsa said, and quietly exited the office.

Branden dropped in his chair and closed his eyes. He needed a few minutes to defuse his anger. Raking his brain, Branden couldn't for the life of him understand what had gone wrong. He replayed the entire scene in his mind a hundred times over, but nothing he said or did was improper.

Why did she walk out on him!

No one had ever walked out on him before, he was the only one with that kind of power where ever he went and to whoever he talked to, and then along comes a young, beautiful woman, a wee lass, he thought, and brings down his kingdom.

His balls itched to claim her in his bed, he was crazy with want for her, and he knew right there and then that he would stop at nothing to own her. Everyone had a price including her, and he would offer her the world just to get her to his bed, knowing that it was the only way his sexual frustration would be tamed.

This problem he had encountered was new to him, Branden was well known for his taste in women. He had a thing for brunettes, and he liked them tall, hot and sexy, but this lass was the complete opposite. She had everything he found unattractive in women, she was blonde, too short, and seemed like she would not know how to give a good blow job, so why the hell was he on fire and sexually agitated?


The air felt good against her cheeks as Lily exited the tall building. She had a smile on her face and she congratulated herself for handling the interview well. It felt good to be able to wipe the smile off of the great Macalister's face. Just who did he think he was anyhow, she thought, as she walked across the street and down a few blocks to her place of work.

When her iPhone rang she immediately answered it, "Hello?"

"Well?" Eleni asked, "how did it go, did he hire you?"



"I walked out on him!" Lily told her, with a pleased smile on her face.

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