I Love You

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He did not make love to her, instead he spooned her all night and had wrapped his arms around her. Branden couldn't stand the thought that she was sick and he wasn't there for her. He wanted to move her in his penthouse to take care of her and protect her.

Branden realized that this woman he held in his arms meant the world to him. He still couldn't admit to himself that he loved her, his ego wouldn't allow it, however he knew enough to know that of all the hundreds of women in his life she was the only one that was special to him. So special in fact that he couldn't see a future without her, so he had decided he wouldn't take no for an answer, he would move her in as soon as possible.

When morning came the suns rays struggled to seep through the heavy ivory drapes to shine its light into the room. The semi dark room played a huge roll in both of them over sleeping. It was only when Branden's iPhone rang that they both woke up.

"Good morning." Branden smiled down at her.

Smiling back, Lily tried hard not to think of the fact that today she was going to abort his baby. "Hi."

Leaning down, he kissed her on the lips and Lily's heart fluttered. She kissed him back hungrily and inched closer to him, but Branden groaned out loud and dropped his head back on the pillow.

"Don't do that Lily." He said horsely, or I will ravish you!"

In answer she rubbed his shaft, but Branden grabbed her hand and placed it away from him. "Stop it."


"Because you're not feeling well and I don't want to put my needs above yours right now."

Guilt wrapped around her heart, she wasn't sick, she thought, she was pregnant, and she wanted to tell him and the both of them could figure it out together, but she was afraid that he would leave her if he found out. Many times he had voiced that he wasn't ready anytime in the near future to get married and have children. She choked back a sob, and closed her eyes.

"Are you in pain still?" Concern was laced in his voice, "can I get you an aspirin?"

"I'll be fine." Lily answered. "Go check your phone, it might be important."

Branden hesitated before he rose from the bed, the iPhone had stopped ringing when he picked it up. He was checking the time when a text came through.

{You're  late, did you forget you have court today?}

"Oh fuck!" Branden swore and then called his assistant. "Go straight to court I'll meet you there!" He told her as soon as she answered her phone.

Then he walked around the room and collected his clothing and dressed quickly. "I have court today, I'll see tonight." He told Lily, after slipping into his shoes and laying a warm kiss on her cheek.

Lily watched him leave the room in a hurry and when she heard the front door close, only then did she reach for her iPhone on the nightstand and called Eleni.

"I'm scared." Lily cried.

"No need to cry, think of it as a good thing. You'll be doing yourself and Branden a favor by aborting."

"But I feel so guilty for not telling him."

"You can't tell him because he would probably drive you himself to the abortion clinic and then drop you like a hot potato!" Eleni explained, "besides what he doesn't know won't hurt him! Now get dressed I'm picking you up in half an hour and don't be late!"


Lily cried while dressing in her plain and simple jogging outfit, and gym shoes. Her hair was tied back into a pony tail and she wore no make up. When she climbed into the Beatle, Eleni shook her head.

Sexy Seductive Love, book fourWhere stories live. Discover now