I Want You!

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Lily slammed the door in his face and leaned against it and cried her heart out. The nerve of him to think that he can just come to my place of living without invitation, she thought, as anger gripped her.

Branden banged on the door loudly, "Open the door Lily!"

"Go away!" She screamed.

He banged harder on the the door, "I'm not leaving here until I have a word with you," he told her, "open the damn door."

When the banging got louder and Lily was afraid it would alert the neighbors, she opened the door and yelled, "Go away!"

He pushed his way through into her condo and caught Lily off guard. She closed the door so the neighbors won't hear them and she stared at Branden angrily.

"Why did you leave?" His whiskey eyes pierced into hers, as he waited for her to answer.

He was very tall and looked so damn good that it effected Lily's thoughts for a moment, but she quickly gathered her scattering thoughts, and replied in a stiff tone of voice, "How dare you have the audacity to come to my home and ask me such a question!"

For a moment Branden lost his reasoning and just stared at Lily, there was something about her that took his breath away, and it was hard for him to concentrate. She's a witch, his mind argued, and she has bewitched you!

Abby watched many emotions displayed on his face and was confused not knowing what he was thinking or feeling.

"I came here to apologize." He finally said, and Branden did not ever apologize to anyone.

"You seduced me and stripped me of my virginity!" Lily hissed, "how can an apology fix that?"

Branden sucked in a ragged breath, she was right nothing can fix that, "l know I've done you wrong Lily and I'm here to see if there is anything I can do to comfort you."

"There is!" Lily nodded.

"Tell me what you want me to do and I will do it!"

"I want you to get the hell out of my house and my life and I don't want to ever see you again!" She yelled.

"I won't leave here Lily until I know for sure that you have forgiven me and that you will be alright."

"Oh I promise you when you leave from here I will be just fine!" She said and then burst into tears.

Branded pulled her into his arms and cradled her, but she pushed and shoved to get him away from her, however, she was not successful, he tightened his hold on her and with a trace of bitterness, he said, "If I could turn time back, I would have never taken you."

What did that mean, Lily thought, was she so awful that he regretted what he done? Wasn't it she who should be regretful and angry of what happened?

"Why did you?" She asked in a broken voice.

"I don't know what got over me," yes he did, he thought, she was so fucken beautiful that he had to have her.

Pulling herself out of his embrace, Lily stared at him square in the face and said stiffly, "Just forget about the entire thing, I'll survive, can you please leave  now?"

Sexy Seductive Love, book fourWhere stories live. Discover now