I Want You

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Lily loved her penthouse suite, especially her master bedroom that was decorated in pastels colors. She spent all evening getting acquainted with her dwellings, checking out every square inch of it.

Branden was very generous, she thought, he even had filled the refrigerator with meats, fruits and vegetables, and all the cabinet were full to the max with fine China plates, and matching cups, and Waterford crystal glasses. Some cabinets were full of food, and chips and dips. There was even a brand new Apple laptop on the kitchen island, but although all this stuff was beautiful and elegant she would not accept it.

Lily had decided to give up this gorgeous space, because she didn't feel comfortable being bought. She was a strong and independent woman and as such she wasn't fond of accepting anything from a man. Lavish things like this had strings attached and Lily was sure that Branden would one day come and collect his dues.

Startled when the iPhone rang, Lily grabbed it quickly, "Hello?"



When no one answered Lily ended the call, "That's strange."  she said to herself as she headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.


Pain speared through his heart when he heard her voice, Branded held his iPhone tightly in his hand, and stopped breathing. He missed holding her in his arms, he missed her touch, and he was going crazy out of his mind.

When the call ended, an emptiness engulfed him, and he cursed under his breath. He was not used to acting like a love sick idiot. He was Branden Macalister and had woman begging for his attention wherever he went.

These feelings that plagued him were new to him and he struggled to make peace with them. Laying in his bed, he knew sleep would elude him on this night, so he closed his eyes and tried to relax his mind, but he lost the fight, images of Lily overpowered his thoughts and he suffered all night long.


The morning commute was horrific, but Lily got to work just in time and avoided dirty looks from her assistant who always seemed like she had something stuck up her ass.

First thing Lily did when she got to work was to take the vase of beautiful flowers and place them on Elsa's desk.

"There lovely," Elsa leaned in and smelled the roses, but why don't you want them?"

"I'm allergic to them," Lily smiled, and then placed two set of keys on Elsa's desk, "tell Mr. Macalister thank you, but I won't be needing these."

"But Miss Colber why would you...."

Ignoring Elsa, Lily walked back to her office and sat down in her chair. It felt good to get her power back, she thought, she was not for sale!

Branden's words came back to haunt her, "Everyone has a price Miss Colber!" he had said,

Lily smiled, "Not me, I am not for sale!" She said to herself, as she open the new pile of files on her mahogany desk.

Lily was glad that she had kept her old apartment and her old car. She wasn't one to flash her money anyway, and felt more comfortable in her old beater car than sitting in a BMW that was given to her by a man with intentions!

Throwing herself into her work, Lily read each file carefully many times over to understand exactly was she was up against. She was so into her work that she didn't notice when Macalister's assistant walked in the room with an attitude and threw the keys on her desk.

"What's the meaning of this!" She snapped angrily.

"Excuse me?" Lily looked up at her with confusion.

Sexy Seductive Love, book fourWhere stories live. Discover now