The Contract

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The warm water fell on their bodies like droplets of silk and caressed their skins, as Branden's whiskey gaze took in every inch of Lily's naked body.

"You're beautiful." He told her huskily.

Her heart skipped a beat, looking into his eyes she saw raw passion there, but she didn't know if she should be happy or sad. All they ever did together was have sex, and that thought disturbed her.

Branden reached for the soap and lathered her body gently caressing every inch of her before he lathered his body too. His hands then grabbed both of her round and firm breasts and he groaned out loud, and then he placed his hands on her waist and lifted her over his cock.

It was hot, and electrifying and Lily's body was already trembling and was on fire. Putting her troubling doubts in the back of her mind, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of him inside of her.

"Lily!" He said hoarsely , as he released his seed inside of her, "you drive me mad."

He kissed her savagely and held her in his arms for more than ten minutes before he lifted her off his shaft and they both rinsed their bodies.

When they stepped out of the shower, Branden dried Lily's body before he dried his own. They both went back into the bedroom and dressed and then Branden sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his arms. They remained like that for a little bit and then they got up and walked into the sitting room.

"Do you still have a headache?" Lily asked as she sat on the other side of the sitting room.

"You cured me of my headache." He gave her a smile to die for and Lily's heart pounded hard against her chest.

"May I ask you something?" Lily asked.

Branden didn't look to happy to be answering questions, knowing where the conversation would lead to, but he remained silent until she said her peace.

"What is going on here?" She asked, wanting to know exactly where she stood with him.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean." Lily dared him to deny her words.

"Where do you want it to go from here Lily?" He asked.

"I'm not the kind of girl to just sleep with someone just for the fun of it. I gave myself to you in hopes that we can build some kind of a relationship."

Branden released a harsh sigh, he hoped this conversation would never come up, "I'm not the marrying type Lily, nor am I the relationship type of guy." He winced when he saw raw pain in her eyes.

Lifting her chin up, Lily held her feelings in check to maintain what little of her self respect she had left, "That's good to know Branden, the same goes for me too, I'm young and still experiencing life, and I don't want to be tied down to just one man." She lied.

Blown away from her answer, expecting her to beg on her knees for him to keep her, Branden studied her face for answers before he asked, "You have many men Lily?"

"I do actually," Lily replied, and did everything in her power not to shed tears, "I think I'm young and should experience life to its fullest before I soak my oats!"

Pain speared through Brandens heart, "Is Colber one of them?"

Lily did not answer his question, and Branden demanded, "Is he your lover!"

Lily questioned his demanding tone of voice, if he didn't want a relationship then why was he so upset by Steven. "I fail to understand why you care about Steven or anyone for that matter since you claim that you are not the relationship type of guy!"

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