Two Months Later

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It has been a two long months of hell and torture for Branden who had to endure watching Ethan coming to work every morning with a huge smile on his face, while he suffered greatly.

It wasn't only missing Lily that had him falling into deep depression, it was also the fact that winter was quickly approaching and come Christmas, Lily would marry the shmuck and then all his hopes and dreams would be just that, hopes and dreams.

When Ethan walked into his office one august morning and dropped a pile of files on his desk, Branden did everything in his power to not smash Ethan's face in.

"My work is done, I'm taking the rest of the week off to celebrate!" He announced before he turned around and walked towards the door.

"Celebrate?" Branden growled, in a cold tone of voice, "what about court on Friday!"

"You can handle that yourself," Ethan said, and before he opened the door to exit he turned around and smiled, "Lily is pregnant, it's a huge miracle and we are going to celebrate in a huge way!"

His heart stopped and his mind whirled in all directions, pregnant? How? And then Branden's eyes opened wide, if by some miracle she was pregnant the baby could be his!

He surged to his feet and rushed out of his office, Ethan wouldn't be leaving his office for another two hours, he had just enough time to drive to Glendale and confront Lily about the pregnancy.

He raced through the streets of Los Angeles and headed straight to Glendale. His heart hammered against his chest, Branden would demand a paternity test and if he was the father he would demand to marry Lily and raise the child together as a family.

He found Lily on the porch enjoying a glass of iced tea, but when she noticed him pull up into the driveway, she immediately rose to her feet and rushed inside the house.

Branden pounded on the door so hard that the walls shook, "Open the door Lily I am not leaving until I have a word with you!"

Lily knew his threats were real and she opened the door and yelled, "Stop coming here Branden, me and you have nothing to talk about!"

Pushing his way in the house, Branden slammed the door shut and turned angrily to face her. "We have nothing to talk about?" He yelled and grabbed her by the shoulders, "you might be carrying my child and you say we have nothing to talk about?"

"You don't want children remember?" She lashed out, "and you never wanted to get married, remember that?"

"That was before I fell madly in love with you Lily," he told her hoarsely, "I would marry you in a heart beat if you let me!"

Tears blurred her vision, "Please Branden go away, do not torture me, I can't bare it anymore!"

"By some miracle you were able to conceive Lily, and the baby could be mine," Branden said, "and I will not go away until I find out if the baby you carry is mine."

"Even if this is your baby, you and I are through I'm marrying Ethan in December!"

"You can marry the devil himself if you choose too, but if the baby is mine I'm filing for custody!" Branden assured her.

"Stop it Branden!" Lily went crazy, "you can't just decide on a whim that you want to be a father!"

"I love you and am urging you to rethink your decision," Branden begged, "leave Ethan and marry me, we can raise our child together as a family!"

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