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His whiskey gaze turned dark and dangerous, when he looked across the restaurant at Lily who had just laughed at something the handsome man was telling her. His gut twisted and jealousy filled him, he wanted to walk up to them and ram his fists down the man's throat, but then he suddenly realized that he had no right to be mad or jealous. Wasn't he the one that had told her that he didn't want her as his girlfriend?

"Branden what's wrong!" His sister asked again, "you look ill all of the sudden."

"I'm fine." He stated flatly.

"No you're not!" His sister snapped, "weren't you the one that said that I'm the only person in the world you can trust?"

Branden looked at her and then released a harsh sigh.

"Tell me Branden don't keep me in the dark!"

"Across the room there is a woman who walked in accompanied by a man."

Crystal lifted her eyes brows, "And?"

"And I want to kill him!"

"Why?" Crystal asked, and then stopped what she was going to ask and followed her brothers gaze to across the room, "oh my my, you're smitten aren't you and don't even deny it because I know you very well Branden and I have never seen that look on your face before!"

Crystal turned again to check out the table across the room, "I do have to admit that she is very beautiful, and that man is drop dead gorgeous!"

Branden stabbed his fork in his steak, but then instead of eating his food he dropped his fork and knife and stood when he witnessed the handsome man place his hand over Lily's.  

Crystal watched her brother walk across the room and she looked with interest, as her brother stopped in front of the beautiful couple's table. She wished she was a fly on the wall so she could hear what her brother was going to say.

"Good evening." Branden said stiffly, "I didn't know you were dining here tonight." His gaze turned to the man and he stared at him stiffly.

"Hello Branden." Lily said, "I didn't know you would be here either."

"Whose your friend Lily?" Steven asked.

Branden smiled coldly at Steven, and raised his hand for a handshake, "Branden Macalister."

Steven froze, but shook Brandens hand, "Steven Colber."

Branden raised an eye brow, "Steven Colber from Colber enterprises?"

"That would be me." Steven said stiffly, and threw a questioning glance at Lily.

Lily opened her eyes wide when she finally realized who Branden was. "Oh my God!" She whispered, crazy out of her mind with worry not sure how Steven would react to this bit of news.

"Enjoy your dinner!" Branden snapped before he walked away angrily.

Once Branden was out of ear shot, Steven threw an accusing glance at Lily, "Explain!" He told her angrily.

"I swear I didn't know who he was until now!" Lily stated.

Steven turned to watch Branden walk back to his table, "and I suppose he has no idea who I really am!"

Lily shook her head, "No he doesn't," and when Steven was about to throw her a remark, she quickly added, "I didn't know Steven I swear it!"

"Damn it!" Steven threw his napkin on the table, and leaned closer to her, "I didn't want to meet my brother here and like this, and who the hell is he to you Lily!"

"No one really, I....I...."

"Lily!" Steven banged his fist on the table and ignored the surprised looks from the other people who were also dining at the steak house, "speak now!"

Sexy Seductive Love, book fourWhere stories live. Discover now