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Mrs. Macalister has been calling her son on his iPhone for two weeks straight, but he wasn't taking her calls. Branden was upset with her for disrespecting Lily.

The third week Elsa walked in his office and told him his mother was on line one. Branden sighed harshly before he picked up the receiver.

"Mother." His voice was cold and distant.

"Why haven't you returned my calls!"

"You know why!"

"I apologized wasn't that enough?"

"No it wasn't enough," Branden told her, "Lily was very upset."

"I'm a mother Branden and I just wanted to make sure that she is worthy of you."

"That's fine, but as a result of your actions, you won't be seeing Lily and I for a while."

"Please don't say hurtful words." His mother begged, "I love you son and only want the best for you."

"Did you want anything else?" Branden asked coldly, "I have a heavy workload."

"I would like it if you came home for dinner this week."

"Does the invitation extend to Lily?"

"Your father and I were hoping to have you all to ourselves, it's been a while since we sat down at the dinner table just the four of us." His mother said carefully.

Brandens jaw twitched with anger, "If Lily is not welcome then I will pass on the invitation!"

"This has nothing to do with Lily," his mother was quick to explain, "she can visit us any other time, I just wanted one evening just the four of us to have dinner and talk about personal things."

"I'll see you Friday." Branden told his mother before he ended the call.

How was he going to explain to Lily that he was going alone to his parents house?


"He's coming Friday!" Mrs. Macalister told her husband, "I think we should tell him the truth!"

"Are you sure," Mr. Macalister asked, "he might get very upset and react in a negative way, remember when we told him when he was fifteen that he was adopted?"

Mrs. Macalister nodded, "It was very hurtful for him."

"And how do you think he will react once he finds out that Steven Colber is his brother?"

"I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that if he finds out the truth from someone else and not from us it will destroy him and he will lose trust in us!"


Lily had taken the day off because she wasn't feeling well. Eleni her best friend came over after work to bring her some chicken soup.

"Wow your penthouse is so freaking beautiful!" She told Lily, "you're some lucky chick!"

"Why am I lucky?" Lily's asked, "I could afford a penthouse by myself if I had wanted one."

"That's not the point," Eleni told her, "the fact alone that he gave you a penthouse and a BMW speaks volumes, he must be really crazy for you Lily!"

Lily pushed the soup to the side and grabbed the ginger ale off the coffee table, taking a few sip she placed the can back on the coffee table and then lay on the couch to rest.

"You have to eat your soup Lily," Eleni told her, "it's good for your cold and will help you get better."

"I don't have a cold." Lily said.

Sexy Seductive Love, book fourWhere stories live. Discover now