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Italy was everything Lily had dreamed of and more, the country was beautiful, it was very rich in culture and traditions, and it was known for its food, architecture, and beautiful location.

The country was surrounded by many body's of water. The beaches were crystal clear, the sky was blue, the air was clean and the scenic landscapes of the alps and mountains were majestic.

Ethan held Lily's hand as they toured the ancient sites of Italy, and stole a kiss or two. They spent their mornings touring, and their evenings dinning outdoors in the finest restaurants of Italy, and made passionate love at night till the wee hours of the morning.

"Where would you like to go on Monday," Ethan asked, as he swallowed an entire slice of pizza in seconds, "Florence, Milan, Venice.?"

"Can we just go somewhere to relax, like Tuscany?" Lily asked, "I'm tired of looking at ancient ruins and art museum's, I just want to relax under the sun."

"Tuscany is a good idea, the beaches there are phenomenal!"Ethan bit into another slice of pizza, "I've been there many times and it's beautiful."

It would have been more beautiful, Lily thought, if Branden was here instead of Ethan, and then guilt engulfed her and she lowered her eyes to her plate of spaghetti.

"Something wrong?"

Lily shook her head, and looked away.

Ethan sighed, "If you don't tell me what's wrong I can't fix it Lily." He told her, "I thought we talk about everything."

"I'm fine really," Lily said, "I think I'm exhausted and just need to rest."

Wiping his mouth, Ethan asked in a serious tone of voice, "Are you pregnant Lily?"


"Are you pregnant?"

Fear struck in her heart, last thing she wanted was to be pregnant with Ethan's baby, "I better not be."

"Why would having my baby be so bad?" He looked hurt by her words.

"I'm not ready to be a mother." She said simply, "I prefer to get married first and then have children, I'm old fashioned like that."

She didn't tell him that she would have Branden's baby if he asked her too, she didn't tell him that she had aborted Branden's baby and it was one of the biggest mistakes of her life.

They ate their meal in silence and then headed back to their hotel. Ethan had rented them the Royal suite, nothing but the best, he had bragged, and when they undressed, showered and slipped under the covers, Ethan pulled Lily against his muscled chest.

"I want to ask you something Lily." He said in a serious tone of voice, and when Lily looked up at him and waited for him to continue, he blurted out, "will you marry me?"

Stunned, Lily was left speechless, then she said, "We've only been dating months Ethan, we hardly know each other well."

"We know each other very enough Lily, we grew up together and I know everything I need to know about you. Marry me Lily!"

Marry him? What about Branden? The love of her life, she thought, as her heart twisted with pain.

Ethan pulled away from her and settled himself into a sitting position, he didn't look too happy as he looked down at her. "Are you still in love with Branden?"

She was afraid to answer that question.

"Answer me!" He yelled, "are you still in love with him!" When again she remained quiet, Ethan said, "he doesn't love you, he isn't capable of loving anyone but himself, and you'll be doing yourself a disservice by waiting for him to come back to you!"

Sexy Seductive Love, book fourWhere stories live. Discover now