Hello Goodbye

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"Are you sure you are ready to tell Branden everything?" Jeff was a little skeptical, "it could blow up in our faces."

"Yes and then you will have opened another can of worms!" Jacob warned, "think about it well before you proceed."

"I have given it a lot of thought and I think it's time to let Branden know he is our brother, besides, one day he will find out anyway on his own." Steven explained.

"Are you concerned about Lily, is that why you want to get this done right away?" Jeff asked, "because Lily is a grown woman and can handle her love life on her own, she won't appreciate you stepping in and dictating to her what to do about him."

Steven released a harsh sigh.

"You can't be everyone's super hero Steven, leave it alone, Lily is a smart girl and she will figure it out by herself without you meddling in her affairs, in the end you're going to get blamed," Jeff explained, "you will be the one they will point a finger too."


The guilt was eating him up alive, Branden blamed himself for Lily not able to have children. If he hadn't told her he wasn't interested in having children, and if he never got her with child she wouldn't had to abort it, and she would be able to conceive.

He couldn't concentrate on his business, he couldn't concentrate on his life, and he became a drunk each night when it got dark outside and he drowned in loneliness. Joanne tried to keep him company some evenings, but he begged her to leave him alone in his misery.

He couldn't get over her, and the thought that she was engaged to be married to Ethan ate him up alive. Lily would be the death of him, he knew that, and there was not a damn thing anyone could do about it.

Deep in his thoughts he was when the door to his office burst open and startled him. He watched with surprise in his eyes as Steven Colber and Jeff Drake walked into his office angrily.

Rising to his feet he was about to blast them to hell when Steven came around the mahogany desk and punched him square in the face. Then all hell broke loose and if it wasn't for Jeff to held Steven back he would have killed Branden with his bare hands.

"If you ever go near Lily again I will kill you!" Steven growled like a mad animal.

"What the hell are you doing here," Branden yelled, "Get the hell out of my firm and don't ever come back."

Jeff tightened his hold on Steven when he felt that he would jump on Branden again, "Both of you stop!" Jeff said, in a firm and unwavering tone of voice, "we have many things to discuss and we're going about it in the wrong way!"

Pulling Steven to the side Jeff motioned for him to take a seat on one of the two leather chairs. Then he pointed to Branden to sit down in his leather chair and then he sat himself down too.

Since both men looked like they wanted to kill each other, Jeff took the initiative to start the conversation, and prayed for the best outcome considering what happened here a second ago.

"We are not here to cause trouble, we are here to discuss important information." Jeff announced,

"We will discuss Lily first," Steven said through gritted teeth, "you are not to go near her again!"

When Branden was about to rebuke Steven, Jeff jumped in, "We heard about the abortion, Lily is destroyed by the notion that she can't have children, you have wounded her deeply and we pray that Ethan will be strong enough to heal her wounds!"

"I'll kill that bastard!" Branden shouted, "he is a snake and should not be with Lily!"

"He is my brother and he loves Lily very much." Jeff said, "and I don't take kindly to anyone who demeans my family!"

Sexy Seductive Love, book fourWhere stories live. Discover now