2. Audition

438 21 5

NOT proofread 

I opened the door to my brother's room.  I noticed him doing a live. He noticed me and looked over to his door. I quickly shut it. What if they saw me. Then even more people would know me as Kyosuke's younger sister instead of as Nari. 

"Could you see me on cam?" I asked through the door.

"The camera wasn't pointing towards the door so you are fine.... You can come in if you want" I opened the door once again.

"So what do you want?" He asked me. I don't think i can discuss it on a live. I don't think i would be allowed to reveal it to the whole world like that. Especially since I haven't even said yes to the Hybe lady's offer.

"It can wait till you are done with the live." 

"Are you camera shy?  Do you think the camera will bite if you come on screen?" He said to tease me.  Yes i am a bit camera shy... Just a bit. Not much. At least not much in my world. I was never a social kid. I probably never will be.

"No.... I just don't think it should be discussed on a live"

"Did i do something wrong?"

"No... It's not about you. It's about me. I wanted you to be the first one to know. But I guess that will have to wait"

"Don't tell me!... You're pregnant!" Pregnant? Where the hell did he get that from? 

"Umm excuse me... Do I look pregnant!? NO i'm not pregnant. You're embarrassing, you know that. How would I be pregnant... I'm not even seeing anyone "  I mumbled the last part

"What about that guy you used to have crush on"

"You know any of us haven't seen him for like 5 years.... Can we change the topic... Actually i'll just leave instead" I was about to leave. Just before i closed the door I turned around to face him again.

"But what if i had said yes to being pregnant"

"Are you!?"


"Oh thank god that scared me" I closed the door. Why would he believe that i would be pregnant! I guess I could tell my parents instead than. They probably aren't busy. I went over to the couch where my parents were sitting while watching a tv show.

"Mom and dad I want to talk to you about something" I said and sat down on the couch next to my mother. She didn't even look away from the tv.


"What is it"

"Today i got an offer... From Hybe labels, to become a trainee. I don't know if I should do it or if i should just stay here in Japan" My mom looked at me. I could feel my father glancing over at me as well. I gave my mom the business card as proof

"Ah that's great! You can follow your brother's footsteps and be his younger idol sister. That would be cute! You got my support!" My smile faded. ' follow your brother's footsteps' ' HIS younger idol sister'. 

"Is something wrong dear?" My mom had noticed that my smile had faded. I'm sure most people don't realize how often I get recognized as Kyosuke's sister and not as Nari. Would it continue like that if i were to debut. Or would fans think of me as me.

"No everything is fine"

"Well I think it is a great idea for you to join Hybe and become a trainee. Let me call them" She started to dial the number from the business card. 


"Hi this is Toshima Nari's mom. I would like to in form you that my daughter would gladly accept your offer..... You want to talk to her ... Sure" My mom gave me the phone. I didn't say anything. My mom nudged me to get me to speak.

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