20. Final

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I had already spent the first 5 days. The time flew by. I got to spend time with my family and the Nishimuras.

Grandma seemed happier than ever. After all she viewed me and my brother as her grandchildren. So she got to see all of her grandchildren at once.  From what I had heard  The Nishimura family was moving. 

I felt sorry for grandma. Her child already lived too far away for them to see each other often. Now they are moving again.

I was sitting out on the stairway right in front of the door to my family's apartment alone. I soon felt a presence sit next to me. It was none other that Niki. We have definitely gotten even closer over the past 5 days. 

"Want some ice cream?" He asked with one chocolate ice cream in his hand. He had already eaten some of the ice cream.

"Sure" He offered some of he half eaten ice cream.

I didn't take it. I just stared at it. Great going Nari. You just made everything super awkward.

"Are you uncomfortable by sharing some ice cream that I already ate some of? I can just get you another one if y-" He panicked a bit. Just a little bit.

"No it's okay. We can share" I gave him a small smile and took the ice cream. And just like that we shared the ice cream. An indirect kiss... 

What am I thinking!! Get it together! It's just an ice cream. 

"How far is your family moving away?" I questioned.

"We aren't moving further away. Actually It is the opposite. My family is moving to the street behind this one" I must admit that I feel a tad bit embarrassed now.

I glad that granny wasn't going the be even more alone. I presume her family will visit her more often than they have so far since they are moving closer. 

"You really though they would move further away?"


"My mom doesn't want to be too far away since grandma's health as been declining recently

I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I hope she still had at least a couple of year left in her baggage" I said as Niki was enjoying the ice cream.

"Ri-" My head bolted up from Niki's shoulder as I pushed him away. The push caused him to drop the ice cream.

"Umm hey Sola" Niki said in a embarrassed manner while being red as a tomato. Why did his younger sister have to come barging out of our apartment right now?

"YA! That was the last ice cream! How could you just waste it like that!?" Sola was upset with Niki dropping the ice cream. Did she really not see It? Niki and I looked at each other dumbfounded.

"What are you even doing here? That isn't our apartment. That's Nari and her family's" Please don't start sibling bickering...

"Well i wanted some ice cream at grandma's but she was out of ice cream. I asked Mrs Toshima if she had any. I was told that she did. But i guess SOMEONE must have taken the last ice cream!"

"Well you snooze you loose!" And Niki continued the bickering.

"Well someone could have shared their ice cream!"

" Jokes on you! I already shared mine! So you can't say that!" God help me

"Oh really! Then who did you share with? The floor" She pointed at the ice cream on the floor

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