19. The plane ride.

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I got away with the whole pregnancy test thing.  Which was obviously a good thing. I had texted bother my brother and my mom that I was going to Japan.

It had been quiet a while since I had talked to any of them. Even when being in the same country i can't really get in contact with Kyosuke. 

He was one busy person... So was I.  I was about to board the plane to Japan in 15 minutes.  From what I had heard Niki was already in Japan. Enhypen had been in Japan when the break was announced to them.

Apparently he had eaten dinner with me and then 4 hours later departed to Japan. It had been one of the last thing he did before leaving.  I couldn't help but smile every time i remembered it. 

I felt a poke on my shoulder. I turned around to see the smiling eyes of my brother. We jumped into a hug making other people eye us for a short while before they minded their own business. 

It felt like forever since the last time I felt his hug.  A hug can mean more for someone than people think. What was he doing here though.

"Why are you here? Don't you have work?"

"I begged my company to let me go on break so I could see both you and mom at the same time" My brother just leveled up in appreciation. 

Ever since we got to understand each others troubles, we had gotten a lot closer. I guess we had always misunderstood each other.

Well actually he had mostly understood me. I was just to blind to see he also had a problem.  I'm glad he helped me realize how blind I was.

"For how long are you on a break?"

" About a week" Only a week... I had to spend my time carefully with him. I just need to remember not to be too clingy. I don't want to be annoying.

"I have one more week than you do~~" I rubbed it in his face. He just gave me a smile and nudged me. 

"Why didn't you text me that you would be going to Japan as well?"

"I wanted to surprise you" At least he didn't tell me he had a surprise for me. I was always bad at surprises.

It killed me to know there was a surprise. Like just tell me already! No need to hide it.  

I was pretty tired. I woke up pretty early to catch the plane. I looked like dog crap when ever i woke up early.

My brother looked like a god every morning.  Even if he only got 2 hours sleep.  It was a bit unfair I must admit. He must have done something real good in his past life. 

Like could he please share some of his visuals. Just a bit. He was completely make up free. I had to have a thick layer of make up every morning since my face just ain't having it. 

I tend to remove the heavy make up 1-2 hours after I wake up. That's about the time it takes for my face to look decent. 

In the corner of my eye I noticed someone taking a picture of me and Kyosuke.

"Someone just took a picture of us" Kyosuke looked up from his phone and reached for something in his bag. He handed me a mask.

"I can't really do anything about it now. But maybe more people won't recognize us if both of us has a mask on

Of course why didn't I think about that. Which Idol forgets a mask. Me apparently.

Soon after the plane was ready and we went into the air.  We of course didn't have seats next to each other. I sat next to some man in the late 60's. He fell asleep 15 minutes after the plane had gotten into air.

I wish i could do that.  But no... I couldn't fall asleep. The 60 year old man was keeping me awake with his snores. 

After what felt like forever we finally arrived in Japan.  I was dead tired. After getting off the plane i looked for my brother. 

He wasn't that hard to find. After all some of his ocean blue hair was standing out. He hadn't noticed me yet.  I approached my brother.  

"Found you!" He said and gave me a smile. At least I think he gave me smile by looking at his eyes. I couldn't tell a 100% because of his mask.

"Nari and Kyosuke?" We heard a female voice say. Neither of us recognized her voice. We turned around to see a girl. 

She was short, had long hair put into a ponytail, large eyes and a small face. I assumed she was here for a Seventeen concert. On her bag there was pin with the Seventeen logo. She also had some Seventeen earrings. 

I knew those earrings because Mei had been pesterizing me to get those earrings for her birthday. 

With all of that seventeen merch i couldn't imagine her being here for other reasons. 

"Hi?" Let's just say neither of us knew how to greet her.

"Can i get a picture with both of you. My older brother really like Nari. I want to rub it in his face." A smile rose up on my face.

It was rather awkward. Kyosuke scooted over to the side and offered to take the picture for her. 

"I was thinking a photo with both of you"

"Oh... But didn't your brother just like Nari" I guess he thought the carat ( seventeen fan ) didn't want him in the picture.

"That doesn't mean I don't like you" Soon a smile appeared on my brother's face as well. She took the selfie with us. All 3 of us seemed pretty happy.

I was happy since that was the first time someone approached me to take a picture with me. Kyosuke was happy because he got included in the picture and the carat was happy because she actually got a photo with us.


Hey guys.

This was a bit of a filler.

I have been really busy because of school and work (All of our teachers decided that this was the year they would start bombarding us with homework)

I hope it was okay.

Hope to see you soon.

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