10. Self-centered

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I put on subtitles on the video since the live was still going. I couldn't believe what I saw. What a betrayer!

"I saw some of you guys asking about Nari... You guys seem to remember that we WERE friends"

"Well ever since she just left me here in Japan all alone, I haven't talked to her" She made that sound worse than it was

She shouldn't get mad. She was the one who left me first a couple of years ago! You know when she had gone to America.

I couldn't believe her! Why would she say it!? They didn't need to know anything about our friendship.

"She left me for that job of hers. She hasn't contacted me since. I felt hurt.... We were best friends... I guess we aren't anymore"

I was furious! What was she talking about!? Of course i couldn't contact you when you blocked me everywhere and ignore me when i show up at your door!

Kyosuke had noticed that I was upset. He cleared his throat.

"It's time to end the live guys. Bye!!" He made finger hearts to the phone. I just waved. I wasn't in the mood anymore.

Kyosuke turned to look at me with a look i hadn't seen before. Let's just say he didn't look to happy.

"You don't do stuff like that when you are live! You can do it after! This will just make it worse since the fans can see that you have acknowledged the matter!"

"What are you getting mad at me for!?" I stood up from the bed. What was his deal!?

"Our first live together and you mess it up!"


"I have it hard okay! It's not like you know how that is..." I said. He scuffed

"You're so self-centered! You always say you have it so hard! You think i have it easy!? I here with my hard work. It wasn't easy" both of us had started to form tears in our eyes.

"I'm self centered!? You are our parents everything! Our parents only like you. They think I'm a disappointment! Everyone always compares me with you!!!"

"I am aware that I'm their favorite! I became their favorite because i tried everything to live up to their expectations.... I can't be myself"

Was i being self-centered?

"I can't be myself.... Our parents would hate me... You know how homophobic they are"

He couldn't be himse- wait why did he bring up them being homophobic?

" I can't tell them I'm gay..." He digged his face into my shoulder while crying.

I was shocked. I didn't expect those news. I felt bad. I never thought about how he had it.

I was always to focused on being jealous of him and being mad at him. I never thought about his feelings.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry i never paid attention to your problems..." I have him a hug.

He pulled away from me and wiped his tears away with his right sleeve. He have me a small smile

I smile i only know had learned to appreciate.

"It's okay... It probably wasn't easy being you either..."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

" Well you were too focused with your own problems. I didn't want to burden yo with mine"

I gave him a hug. He hugged me back. The door slowly cracked open. It was Minji and Hanni.

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