9. 05 liners

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" Let's get started" 

The first picture was shown. i had a huge disadvantage. They knew more about kpop than I do. It went on and on with the PD-nim showing us pictures.  I was getting more and more behind the others.

scores :   Eunkyung : 7   Niki :  6   Nari : 1

I had managed to get  Lisa from blackpink right. The next picture got shown. I recognized the person immediately. I yelled my name


"Correct  " The PD-nim said.

"It would have been embarrassing if you didn't get that one" Eunkyung said. I didn't answer her. 

"I actually have a question for you. Did you become a kpop idol to copy your brother?" She asked. Copy my brother!? I know i'm doing the same thing as hm but i'm not doing this to copy him!! 

I'm just trying to be better at something than him. I didn't really feel close enough with Eunkyung for me to tell her, so stayed quiet.

"Answer me!" I still didn't  give a response.

"Answer me for god damn sake!!"

  "Nari! Eunkyung! No fighting. The cameras are still rolling" The PD-nim yelled.

"Whatever... Just cut it out! I'm going to the bathroom" Eunkyung scoffed and got up. She headed towards the restroom but stopped on her way and turned around just enough to side eye me. 

She turned back around and continued on her way to the bathroom.  What a bitch.  We were told to take a break while they fixed the issue with Eunkyung. Niki turned to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah i'm fine. I guess i'm just already having beef with my coworker" I kind of laughed it off. It was a bit of an uncomfortable experience. Soon after Eunkyung came back on set.

"We are on in 3,2,1"

"So the winner of this round is Eunkyung!!  Next round is guess the choreography. One person gets a choreo to dance and then the other 2 " Niki was the first person to dance.

"Aju nice from seventeen!" Eunkyung yelled. The pd-nim told her she got it wrong. Her facial expression was to die for. It was priceless.

"Hot seventeen!" I answered. I was correct. Once again we earned a priceless face from Eunkyung. I saw Niki had noticed as well. He was holding in his laugh. But like how could you even get that wrong

"Well of course you know. This is a bit unfair. . I'm not under Hybe" She tried to make up an excuse. Even if you aren't from Hybe you should still know.

"Nari it's your turn to dance" I switched places with Niki. He handed me a phone where I could see a dance. It was teddy bear from stayc. Niki guess it immediately. Eunkyung scoffed.

"And you were supposed to be a dancer" She said quietly. Others on the set didn't hear it. I pretended not to hear it. I think Niki did the same. It was now Eunkyung's turn. 

She started to dance. How is she an idol? She looked like someone who was possessed. Sorry.... that was a bit mean... But it was true.

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