4. That random guy

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The rest of our day pasted by quickly. We spend the whole time playing all those games. The recording had finished. I had gotten more comfortable with the New Jeans members. I still hadn't gotten close with them. But then again i have know them only for a couple of hours.

We packed up everything and all of the cameramen left. All of the girls grabbed their bags and started to head out. I started looking for Mrs Kwon. She had left while we were playing games so i wouldn't notice. My new manager approached me.

"Hi i'm Kim Hayoon. I'm New Jeans's manager" We greeted each other. Kim Hayoon. I will probably be spending a lot of time with her. My brother's most contacted person is his manager. It's probably going to be the same here.

My manager followed me out to the car Mrs Kwon had driven us in to get here . We went into the car and my manager started driving us to the dorm. We didn't say much through out the car ride. 

After a while we arrived at the building.  I grabbed my bags. My manager helped me with some of the bags. We took the elevator to the floor my dorm was on.  She gave me a key. I unlocked the door and went inside. 

"Your room is this way" We walked trough the living room and went to the left to go to my room. I shared the room with Minji and Hanni. My manager had told me that the roommates changes pretty often. 

Minji wasn't in the room. Hanni was there though. She approached me with her lovely smile.  I could see she had been on her bed watching a Marvel movie on her computer. IN her hand she was holding a bag with some bread snacks.  She offered me some.

"Thanks" I grabbed a piece. I wasn't really a bread person, but I would feel bad for rejecting her offer.  She seemed very nice. The snacks were pretty good, even though i don't eat much bread. Hanni pointed over to her bed.

"You can sleep in the top bunk. If you want to of course. You can also get the top bunk over at Minji's bed. But that's up to you" She said and sat down on her bed. I guess i will just take The top bunk at Hanni's bed, since she offered hers.

I put some of my bags on my new bed. Hanni went over to hers and Minji's closet. She started to move some stacks of clothes around to make space for some of mine. There was also a row of clothes on clothing hangers in the back of the room. 

"We can go to Ikea tomorrow for some shelfs and stuff for you if you want. We don't really have more space on the shelfs, so we need some more." Hanni said and looked up to the shelfs that were around the room. 

"Do you have any hobbies or something?" She asked. Our manager could feel that we would start talking a lot so she left. 

"Well I dance a lot and then I used to spend a lot of time with my grandma. But she's in Japan so I can't really do that anymore" Hanni and I hit it off pretty well. Occasionally we would hit some language barriers. But it went pretty well.

"I will need to go and buy more of these soon. They are actually on sale this week"  Hanni said as she stared at her bag of bread snacks. I kinda wanted to see how the korean konbini's (convenience store )  are.

"I can go and buy some if you want. I want to go there anyways" I said. Hanni's face lit up. She found her purse and gave me some money. 

"Thanks"She said and gave me a smile while eating the rest of her bread snacks..  I went into the living room to find Minji and Danielle watching tv. They were watching some kind of romance kdrama. 

"Do you guys want anything from the convenience store?" They turned to me and started to think about it. 

"Ice cream" Minji said.

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