Chapter Nine-Nate's POV

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 I'm fucking cranky.

I somehow got dragged into setting up a bunch of stupid tables and chairs for all these stupid wolves to sit their big, fat, hairy butts in. No one even asked if I wanted to help, or said thank you.

And now, I was alone.

I don't know any of these people, and I have no fucking clue where Cleo wondered off to. And, I'm fucking hungry. I could literally eat an entire moose right now and still be hungry for more.

Let's find Cleo first. I nod and stand up from where I'd been sitting watching everyone enjoy their stupid day. I lifted my nose into the air, inhaling deeply.

So many different scents mingled in the wind today. Vanilla scented lotion, cigarette smoke, burning charcoal, beer. Where was the sweet, warm scent of honey I so desperately craved?
I began walking around a little, still focusing my senses on smelling the air for my missing mate.

Finally, my nose locks onto her scent, coming from the tree line across from me. I feel myself grinning as I quickly stride towards her smell. I can feel my heart racing. I had never felt this way for someone before and it was making me feel a little insane. I wanted to be next to her literally every second of every day. I wanted to know what she was doing and if she was doing okay. I wanted to protect her and watch her grow. And I barely fucking knew her. What sense did that make?

But as I finally caught sight of her beautiful dark hair and her picturesque side profile, I knew there was no stopping the way I felt about her. I was in deep, and I wasn't even interested in pretending I wasn't totally whipped by this orange eyed panther.

I could hear a male talking now. Who was she with? She's sitting so close to him... calm down. Think before you act.

"The Alpha told me at the same time that he told me about our parents that he was planning on using you one day. He was planning on letting you fully mature, then lock you up until you lost your humanity and use you to intimidate other packs." What? What were they talking about? Whatever it was, it was obviously about Cleo, and it obviously upset her. I could feel her anxiety and anger building up in my stomach. This news crushed her. I have to help her.

"While I know Cleo could do that, no problem, I would rather she didn't." I hear myself speaking before I even think about what I'm saying. My only concern is getting this off of Cleo's mind immediately. She had to be focused tonight more than anything. I didn't particularly care about this pack, but I cared about her. And if she failed tonight, I don't think she would ever be the same. I know I wouldn't.

"Hi, Nate." Cleo says moving away from the man and coming closer to me. I can already feel my panther relaxing a little now she is no longer touching him. I realize she's trying to stand up, and again without thinking I bend down and pick her up like a child. I cringed internally. I really need to stop doing that. Even now, I could feel how much it annoyed her.

"Charlie, this is Nate. My mate." She moves away from me again and towards me, helping him off the ground. Let him wallow in the mud like a pig. Simmer down.

"I'm confused. I thought tall, dark and serious was your mate?" I clenched my jaw at those words. Would I always be a second-tier mate to everyone? I felt like I was in second place compared to Ike. He had so much longer with Cleo than I had. He was more mature and clean than me, and certainly much more of a pretty boy. I sighed, and refocused as Cleo began speaking.

"Long story short, I have two mates. But I haven't quite grown the balls to tell the pack yet, so if you could not run your mouth about this." She smirks at him and flicks him in the forehead, and I once again have to hold myself back. Why is she being so casual and friendly with him? Obviously, she knows him, but how? An old fling? I guess they could be related, but they didn't really look alike to be honest. Cleo's nose was small and button like, his was tall and straight. His eyes were brown and rimmed with gold, far different from Cleo's bright orange pumpkins.

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