Chapter Eighteen-Nate's POV

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I could tell she was underwhelmed by my place.

I mean, it's not like I was expecting her to be impressed, not after seeing how her other mate lived.

"I only use this place to rest inbetween trips." I say after a moment of silence. I walk to my couch and flop down on it, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. I don't want to see the disappointment and pity on her face anymore.

I tense a bit when I feel her sitting down next to me. I open one eye, and feel my face heating up when we make eye contact.

"I don't know why you're acting like a baby. We all live different lives." I chuckle and close my eyes again. Of course she would say something like that. Even when I doubted her kindness, she never made me feel like less of a mate. "How often do you usually come here? And how long do you stay? When was the last time you were here?"

"I come every few months, or if I get hurt or sick and need time to rest. I came back... two months ago because my Alpha needed me to find you."

"Why did he want you to find me?"

"I am the pack's messenger. That, and I think he just wanted to give me something to do around home. I haven't been here in a while." I say opening my eyes and sitting up. I sink a little lower into the couch and spread my legs a bit, patting my thigh as an invitation for Cleo. Her cheeks are tinted pink as she kicks off her shoes and lays with her head resting on my leg. I gently run my fingers through her thick hair.

"So, what's with the Alpha thing? She asks after a moment. Her voice sounds sleepy. "Panthers aren't really pack animals."

"No, but shifters are. Without a pack a shifter starts to become more like the animal that possesses them more and more as the years go by. I'm sure when you first left home you experienced that for yourself. I know I did. I went so many months running across the world to nowhere that I began to forget I was ever even human. But as I've already told you, my panther made me turn back, forcing me to remember my humanity. Not long after I decided I needed a pack to return to if I wanted to keep that from happening again. This one is run by a man who understands our need for freedom and family. He's been nothing but kind and understanding to all of us."

"How many live in this building?

"I think... twenty-three. A lot smaller than wolf packs, but we are a dying breed." I stick my fingertip into her ear, smiling when she smacks my hand away. I brushed her hair away from her eyes, staring down at her. She was so pretty. Cheeks flushed, eyes heavy and sleepy looking.

"Will I get to meet them?" She asks, rolling so she's laying on her back and staring at me.

"Why else would we be here?" She shrugs. She's staring at me, right into my eyes. I tense as she reaches a hand up and runs a finger down the bridge of my nose. Chills echo through my body at her touch.

Her soft fingertips trace all over my face, drawing circles on my cheeks and gently pinching my lips.

"Cleo..." I mutter, leaning down so I'm resting my forehead on hers.

"What's wrong, Nate?" I furrow my brow, backing up a little to stare at her. "Did you forget? We mated last night. I have been able to feel your mood all day, and it's been a foul one." I once again lean to rest my forehead on her, sighing heavily.

"I just... feel inadequate." I finally mutter. "All my life I've known I would have a mate that will most likely have another, and it's never bothered me until these past few days. Watching you with your wolf and your pack, you looked so happy. He has so much more to offer you than I do. I'm not even sure why I'm here to be honest. I have nothing worthy to contribute."

She's quiet for a moment, rolling my words around in her head.

"I felt that way when I first came to Ike's pack. I mean, he has everything. Loyal friends, a place to stay and take care of. All I have is a shitty car and a one bedroom apartment that I pay way too much for. I just had to realize that my worth to Ike wasn't monetary. It's not anything that mundane and simple." I liked her answer. It wasn't petty and careless; it was real and honest. "And I know I certainly am not interested in you for your billions of dollars and garage full of cars." She grins like a little kid at me, her face genuinely happy looking.

"I like you so much." I hear myself whispering as I lean my head down and rest it on hers again, breathing in deeply. I want to keep her to myself. I knew what this trip had in store for us, and it was more than just cuddling in my sad apartment. There were people she needed to meet, and they were already sick of waiting on her.

This was just the calm before the storm. 

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