Chapter Twenty-Seven-Cleo's POV

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My senses were on overdrive right now.

As we descended the metal stairs towards the sounds of life, I could feel my instincts hyper focusing on anything they could pick up on.

The sound of Nate and I's shoes clicking on the metal.

The way the air made my skin feel like it was buzzing.

The way Nate's shirt fabric felt brushing against my bare arm as he guided me down the stairs.

"You okay?" I start a little at the sound of Nate's voice. I looked up at him then. He's totally stopped us in the middle of the entryway. I could see lights pouring through the metal double doors that lie ahead of us. I could see bodies moving around and hear voices.

"Yeah, sorry. I usually avoid these kinds of places because they tend to overload my senses. But come on, I just have to get used to it." I smile, tugging his arm. I refused to be a stick in the mud.

He grins, and we power forward.

Through the double doors.

Into a scene I had never even tried to imagine before.

There was a large U shaped stage in the back, with speaker after speaker lining the sides. A man was in the middle on a raised platform, with laptops surrounding him and devices with sliding knobs and buttons. He was playing a techno remix of a popular song that made the entire underground rattle with the base of it. Spotlights ranging from green, blue, turquoise, pink, and white lined the ceiling, all flashing and moving about sporadically. There were giant bars slinging drinks lined with flashing lights on either side of the room, both on raised platforms with stairs leading up to them. Incredibly good looking females danced behind the bars, shaking tumblers, pouring colorful drinks in frosty, unique glasses that glowed with color. They smiled and flirted with customers, licking their lips when they slid them cash whether they be male or female.

Nate led me towards the middle, which was packed with dancing bodies, all grinding and pawing against each other.

"Are they all shifters?" I looked up at Nate then as he elbowed his way through the people.

"Yeah, all shifters." I watched female's hands sliding off Nate, all dropping when they saw his hand attached to mine. They excitedly called his name, only to scowl at me in distaste upon seeing me.

"You seem to have a fan club." I say as we edge towards the side, where I can see Zane and two of his mates standing near the stage. He grins at me over his shoulder, and I shake my head.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and broke away from Nate for a moment to whip around.

"You guys finally made it!" It was Quinn that was currently crushing herself against me. I looked back towards Nate, who pointed towards Zane and kept moving. I nodded, waving him on. Wasn't he the one who told you to stay with him? Hush. I don't need a sitter. Even though watching him leave me behind made my stomach churn. I was being too clingy. I was a grown ass woman, and I can handle a club just fine. 

Bodies crashed against me as Quinn wrapped me in a hug. She smelled like cotton candy and vanilla. Very sweet.

"Come on, let me buy you a drink." She says, pulling away with a grin plastered on her face. Her eyes looked low and foggy. I wonder if she is already drunk. She couldn't have gotten here that much before we did.

She hops around, dancing around me excitedly with the music as we steer our way back through the crowd and towards the bar. I feel her hands slithering all over me, grazing the bottom of my boob.

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