Chapter Twenty-Eight

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 "Got her." Nate had brought me to where Zayne and his three mates were, in the corner on the other side of the back side of the stage. I wonder if they saw us go into the closet.

"Stay." Nate looks at me and points to stand next to Mia, who was grinning at me. I nod and go to lean against the wall next to her.

"You left me!"I watch as Quinn dances away from where she'd been pawing at Zayne to stand next to me. I don't miss Nate eyeing her warily.

"I got in trouble." I say, smiling and bumping her with my hip. She rolls her eyes, looking away.

"Please, Nate is notorious for getting all hopped up on moonlight and dancing with girl after girl." I flick my eyes towards Nate, who was muttering to Zayne with an annoyed look on his face. Why was he mad, then? He knew how much fun it was. He knew how good this stuff made you feel. It made me feel like I always wish I could. Light, and happy, and easy. I didn't feel anxious in the big crowd, or dread the thought of the sweaty bodies rubbing against me. Even as I stood against the wall, I wanted to go back out there.

I wanted to go with Nate.

"I have a plan." I grin evilly at Quinn then, pointing my thumb towards Nate. "Can you get me another glass of that stuff?" She nods eagerly, immediately skipping off into the crowd.

"What are you two scheming?" Mia asks when I lean back against the wall. I shake my head, making eye contact with her smiling.

"Nothing that will hurt anyone." Is all I say. She rolls her eyes and looks back towards Nate and Zayne's conversation.

A few moments later I feel Quinn bumping up against me.

"Got it." She whispers close to my ear. I bounce from one foot to another in excitement. Just in time, it looked like Nate and Zayne were wrapping up their conversation. I could just feel Nate was going to drag me out of here when they were done.

"Thank you!" I exclaim loudly, loudly enough for Nate to hear me. I bring the glass to my lips, quickly filling my mouth with it.

"Cleo!" Nate comes stomping towards me, shaking his head and cursing. I hold the liquid in my mouth until he's right in front of me.

I grab his mouth, using his surprise as an advantage to pull his face towards me. I press my mouth against his and force my tongue in his mouth, leaking liquid through his lips and down the sides of our faces. He doesn't resist like I thought he would, he just melts into my mouth, slurping the liquid from in between my lips and then sucking it from off my tongue when it's all out of my mouth.

"Dance with me." I gasp when he finally pulls away. His eyes look dark for a second, and I think he's going to.

"Why don't you two get out of here?" I look over Nate's shoulder to see Zane. He pulls Nate away from me a little, making him look in the eye before nodding seriously. "Cleo, I'm sorry my mate shoved drinks down your throat all night. But I think it's time to call it a night. Go home with your mate." I scan him up and down once, before looking back to Nate.

"What if I don't want to leave?" I ask, watching Nate's face for a reaction. He narrows his eyes at me for a moment before turning to Zane and slapping his shoulder once.

"Thanks." He nods, then turns back to me. He bends down, grabs me by the thighs, and throws me over his shoulder.

"Excuse me?!" I yell, thumping at his back. I see people snickering at me as Nate shoves his way through the crowd. "Put me down, Nate!" I yell. This was so embarrassing.

"Stop acting like that." I squeal when I feel his hand smack my ass, and I stop wiggling for a moment. But just for a moment.

"I am a grown ass woman, you know. I don't need your permission to dance." I've stopped hitting him now. He shoulders his way through the double doors. The music is slowly getting less and less domineering.

"If you're a grown ass woman, then act like it." I huff at his response. We clomp up the stairs, and I cover my head as he pushes through the trap door. He sets me up first, climbing up after.

"I can walk." I hold my hand out as he bends down to pick me up again. My head felt like it was clearing a little. Just a little. I didn't feel like running back to the crowd anymore at least. The cold air was jarring, but helpful in regaining my sanity.

I cross my arms as we break through the front entrance. We still have to walk all the way back to the parking garage. Maybe I should have let him carry me. I felt like I was crashing. How was that possible? We had only been in there for forty minutes. Tops. I felt tired and my teeth were chattering.

"Are you cold?" I look over at Nate. I shrug, smiling sheepishly.

"It's not like I have much clothing on." I look away, focusing on my path. My head felt fuzzy, like the last hour was a weird dream.

I jump a little when I feel Nate draping the shirt he had been wearing over my shoulders. I look to him. He's only wearing a black tank top now.


"Just take it. It's cold and I made you come here." He sighs, walking ahead of me a little. I'm starting to feel guilty about dancing with Quinn and that guy.

"Hey... Nate?" I jog a little to catch up to him and reach for his hand. I feel him flinch a little when I take it. "Nate, I'm sorry." Damn fucking right you are. You?! Where have you been? That shit you were drinking blocked me out. It's like you couldn't hear me. But I sure as fuck saw what you were doing, young lady! I hang my head in shame.

"Why?" I look up at him. We're stopped on the sidewalk now, both staring at each other.

"I was dancing with people who weren't my mates." He sighs, shaking his head and looking away to continue forward.

"I'm really not mad. I know how that stuff makes you feel. And besides." He turns then, grabbing my face with his hand and making me stare at him. "If I ever see you dancing with another man or woman like that again, I will rip their arms off and use them to beat themselves to death while you watch. Is that clear?" An evil glint shines in his eyes, and I nod, swallowing thickly. I didn't think he was kidding. He drops my face roughly, walking away.

Somehow, I think he was still a little salty. 

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