Chapter Twenty-Three-Nate's POV

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I hate seeing Cleo like this. She looked so defeated when she read that paper. I get why Ike hides things from her now. He didn't want to see her like this. I thought myself an honest mate, but if all it took to keep this from happening ever again, I should learn to pick my truths better. That seems backwards.

I could feel her tears soaking through where her face was pressed. It made my heart ache.

Suddenly, I realized my ass cheek was vibrating.

"I'm sorry, Cleo, my phone's ringing." No one ever called me, because only... six people had my number. It had to be important if one of them was trying to get in touch with me.

I keep one arm wrapped around her, rubbing circles on her shoulder with my thumb. She nestles her face into my armpit, sniffling quietly. I was sad she was hurt, but I liked babying her. I had a feeling she wouldn't need it often.

I roll my eyes when I see whose name is on my phone screen.

"How may I help you?" I say in a bored tone when I answer the phone.

"What's wrong with Cleo?" Ike's irritated voice bubbles into my ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I slip my hand under Cleo's shirt and start rubbing her tense shoulders. She seems to like it, and that makes me smile despite Ike's annoying voice bitching at me.

"I can feel how upset she is. I tried to call her but she's not picking up. So let me ask again. What the fuck is wrong with my mate?" I sigh. Cleo's looking up at me now. She must've heard Ike's voice.

I don't respond, just hold the phone out to Cleo. I step around her and lean against the door, laying my head back and closing my eyes. I focused on listening to their conversation.


Cleo, what's wrong, my love? I internally scoff. What a kiss ass.

"I... I just found out some really big news. And I'm not sure.... What to do about it." My heart throbs at the sadness in her voice. I guess she has lived a pretty rough life so far. A person can only take so much.

Will it put your life in danger to pursue this news?

That's not what I thought he'd say. I thought he'd be chomping at the bit to hear what was happening. She hesitates for a moment before responding.

"I don't know. It involves a pack that's been entirely wiped off the face of the earth."

His silence is deafening.

I need you home as soon as physically possible, Cleo. I feel my heart drop at those words. We just got here, you damn attention whore.

Let me talk to your lap dog for a second. I hear her scoff and start making her way over to me. I don't move. No need to act like I was listening and knew she was coming over to talk to me.

"He wants to talk to you." I smirk a little at the disdain in her voice.

"Go somewhere Cleo can't hear us talk." He says the second the phone touched my ear. My eyes flick down to Cleo, who is already shaking her head in annoyance. I shrug, rolling my eyes.

"Why don't you go back up to my place?" I say to her, stepping out of the way of the exit. She slightly bumps against my shoulder on her way out and I shake my head at her as she shuts the door a bit too forcefully on her way out.

"Thanks, now she's irritated with me." I say into the phone.

"Trust me, she's not. Now what's going on? What happened?"

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