Chapter Twenty-Two-Cleo's POV

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 As soon as Nate closed the front door behind him and Zane, Alex immediately began drilling me with questions.

"Is it true your other mate is an Alpha of a werewolf pack?" He asks excitedly, scooching to sit even closer to me.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, I guess."
"Who's better in the sack?" I turn and glare at him.

"I'm not answering that."
"But that means there is an answer. Good to know. Is it true you were kicked out of your last pack?"

"Okay." I stand up, holding my hands in front of me. "How do you know all this? I've never met any of you before, and I just met Nate. You should not know this much about me."

"Zane heard it from other Alphas and since we help him run this place, he told us to keep us informed." It's Leo who answers, so I shift my gaze to him. He was lounging in the corner of the couch, playing on his phone and hitting a vape. "If you were trying to be mysterious you did a pretty shit job of it." So now he was going to be a dick? I wasn't sure I was enjoying the vibe of this pack very much. At least in Ike's I had Willow, Levi, and all the pack guards. I felt like an enemy here. What was so wrong with me that even my own kind treated me like dog shit?

I sigh and turn to stare down at Alex, who has stopped chattering and is sitting quietly staring at the ground.

"Yes, my other mate is the Alpha of a wolf pack. And he's a very good one, at that. I'm really not answering that second question, because I try not to compare my mates like that in the first place. And yes, I did get kicked out of my last pack. I murdered my parents after they abused me both mentally and physically for years. Any more questions?" I slap my hands together, looking between the two men. Alex had the decency to look embarrassed, but Leo just chuckled and kept scrolling through his phone.

"Yeah, actually. I have one." I raise an eyebrow at him as he sets his phone down and finally makes eye contact with me again. "Are the rumors about you absolutely slaughtering your opponents in the challenge ceremony true? Or is that all just fluff?"

I straighten my back out and do my best to look down my nose at him.

"There's nothing fluffy about me. I'll prove it to you. Right now. Bet anything I could bend you over my knee and spank you." Why are you like this?

My jab works, because he quickly rises from his seat and meets my gaze, staring me down and clenching his fists at his side. I too rise, my chest heaving with anticipation. I loved putting cocky men in their place.

"Whoa, whoa. As cool as that would be, let's not murder each other to prove whose dick is bigger just yet." I feel Alex's hand on my shoulder, and see him put his other on Thomas, but I refuse to break eye contact to look at him. "Why am I the only sane one today?" I hear Alex huffing.

"Whatever." Leo huffs, stepping away and falling back on the couch. "I don't need to fight some lovesick kitten to prove myself."
I scoff, crossing my arms across my chest and glaring down at him as he pulls his phone back out to continue his scrolling.

"Pussy." I shoot. Satisfaction flows through me when his eyes flick back up to me.

That's how we ended up leg wrestling on the floor when Nate and Zane came back. Originally, we were just going to try and tear each other's throats out, but Alex was luckily more coolheaded than the both of us and suggested not making such a bloody mess of the Alpha's living room.

It was stupid of him to think he could beat us. Just because he's bigger. I mean, I don't think any rational person would think I could beat a grown man in a show of strength. I just have a sneaky advantage; you. Wow, you do care.

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