Chapter Twenty Five

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"I'm sorry he didn't tell you we were coming. He said he would." Said Mia. She was short and had more ass and boobs than I could dream of owning. She was definitely Hispanic, I could hear it in her voice and see it in her features. Her hair was curly and all over the place, with what looked like little pieces of shiny tinsel strewn throughout. She was wearing light, skintight blue jeans with a long sleeved black shirt that dipped incredibly low in the front. Her pedicured toes were squished into a pair of horrifyingly high strappy heels.

Nate had left a few minutes ago, and we were all in the living room. I was on the couch next to Mia, who was picking through the duffle bags for what would look best on me, and Ruby and Quinn were setting makeup and hair tools up on the counter.

Ruby was incredibly tall, with dark skin and an athletic build. Her lips were covered in a color to match her name, her dark eyes surrounded by thick lashes. Her hair was long and straight and swayed all over the place. I think she's already knocked two lipsticks off the counter in the ten minutes she's been here with her mane. She talked a lot about her makeup, and I could hear the passion in her voice. I didn't know what the hell she was talking about, but I could tell I was in good hands. I'm still confused as to why they brought a tiny crock pot. I peered around Ruby to see what my panther was talking about. It did kind of look like a tiny crockpot, I suppose. Ruby was stirring a wooden popsicle stick around in it.

"Come on, it's time to begin the torture." Quinn is in front of me now, holding her hand out and wiggling her fingers at me. She has sharp pointy nails with all sorts of jewels hanging off of them with dangly chains. She's right in between Ruby's height and Mia's. She was on the skinnier side, with dark skin covered in tattoos. Her makeup was bright and colorful, purple eyeshadow, chartreuse eye liner, and dark purple lipstick. Her hair was in two poofy pigtail buns on the sides of her head. She had tons of piercings. One in each nostril, a septum, a smiley, a tongue piercing, a dermal right under her eye, three in each lobe, four in the left cartilage, three in the right, and a tragus in her left ear as well. And those were just the ones I could see. I wouldn't say it out loud, but I thought she was the prettiest. I was jealous of how... there she was.

She sat me in the one chair in the house and started pulling my hair back for me.

"Okay. Now, I'm gonna be honest with you, because I love you." I look up at Ruby, who is standing over me with a serious look on her face. "You need to wax your stash. Like, now." You said what? I feel my face heating up and my hand instinctively covers my mouth.

"You're lying." I say behind my hand.

"She's being dramatic as fuck." Mia hops up from the couch. I noticed she had already taken off her shoes. See, why I like comfortable footwear. "You just need some polishing up. We all do when we've been running around in the woods for a few months." She smacks Ruby on the ass and I tilt my head to the side. It was hard figuring out this trio's dynamic.

"Do what you must." I take a deep breath in and straighten my posture.

Here we go.

Surprisingly, it only took the squad of girls an hour and a half to transform me.

They waxed in between my eyebrows and above my lip and plucked under my brow arch. The wax didn't actually hurt that bad, less than I thought it would. The plucking wasn't great.

They glued eyelashes to my eyes and put on eyeliner and mascara. They said I had nice skin so there was no need to wear foundation, just put concealer on a couple areas. They did contour, and highlight, and applied blush. They filled my eyebrows in, and I can't lie, seeing those was the part I was most nervous about. It's not like I never wore makeup, but I hadn't even owed liquid foundation in years, let alone an eyeshadow palette or a highlighter. I definitely wasn't used to the amount they were putting on me.

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