Chapter Nineteen-Cleo's POV

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"He's too young. He doesn't even know what's going on."

"Just because he's young doesn't mean he can't feel the bond between them. Look at him. He's miserable and it's because of us."

"Do you really want him to be mated to some rabid panther?"

"I want him to be happy."

I felt myself jolt awake suddenly. I sit up a little, rubbing my temples and trying to center myself again.

What was that?

That wasn't like any dream I've ever had before.

I couldn't see anything, only heard voices. Voices that sounded like my mom and dad. It felt more like a weird foggy memory.

And what were they talking about?
"You're awake." I jump a little at the sudden sound of Nate's voice. He's walking through his bedroom door. He's fully dressed, a long-sleeved black shirt that hugs him perfectly, more black jeans, same black boots. He has a dark gray beanie pulled over his hair that he slides off and throws onto the edge of the bed.

"Hello." I say softly. I'm still distracted by the weird dream I had.

"I brought you food." I finally notice the brown sack he's got a death grip on in his hand. I perk a little at the thought of eating.

"What is it?" I smile, untangling myself from the one blanket we'd shared all night and sitting crisscross in the middle of the bed.

"Bagels. I always get them when I come back, and I couldn't resist showing you why." I smiled at the giddy tone he was using.

Last night Nate had definitely relaxed, a lot. We had just laid on the couch for a couple hours at first, talking about everything. His school experiences (or lack thereof), weird jobs he's had over the years to make a little money here and there, interesting people he's met. We ended up ordering a pizza and eating it on the kitchen floor because he didn't have a coffee table for the couch or enough chairs for the table. We talked and laughed so much that by the end of the night, my voice was hoarse.

"I got you a bacon egg and cheese one with some of their breakfast sauce." I grin when he digs my bagel wrapped in white paper out and hands it to me. He waves his hand a little at me, and I take the hint and scoot over so he can sit beside me. Our knees touch and for some reason it makes electricity shoot all over my body.

"So, what are the plans for the day?" I ask as I begin unwrapping my breakfast. It smelled so good. Nothing better than being woken up with food.

"Well, I definitely have to check in with my Alpha today, and he'll want to meet you too so we might as well do that together. And I'm sure something interesting will come up tonight." I furrow my brow at that.

"What does that mean?" I sink my teeth into the toasted bagel, sighing in bliss. "This is really fucking good, by the way."

He winks at me and swallows his food before talking. There's one worry gone.

"You'll see, trust me." I narrow my eyes at him. Whatever that means.

"What is with guys and not bringing drinks with food?" I say after struggling to swallow a bite of my food. He snorts, and hands me a cold water bottle from behind his leg. "Where the hell did you even have this?"

He shakes his head and crumples up his trash. He's a fast eater.

"I'm gonna go check on something real quick. I'll be back in twenty minutes. I left a towel for you in the bathroom to take a shower." I eye him as he stands up, taking his trash with him.

"What are you checking on?"

He shoots me a grin over his shoulder. "Don't worry about it." Why did that make me want to kick my legs and squeal like a little girl?

Guess I better get ready.

Be confident.

Be calm.

Be normal.

I kept telling myself that, over and over again as Nate led me to his alpha's apartment. I had begun feeling nervous pretty much as soon as Nate left earlier to check on whatever needed to be checked on. I wondered what this man was like. Was I supposed to act like I was meeting an Alpha or a father figure? I figured I'd act as I was meeting an Alpha to start with, to be on the safe side. Rather that than act overly comfortable and embarrass myself.

"You okay back there?" My eyes look up to meet Nates, who's walking backwards down a hallway now. "You're unusually quiet. Normally you'd be asking me what my favorite fish is and if I eat the crust on my sandwiches." I roll my eyes at his teasing.

"I'm just nervous. I guess." He slows down a little so he can walk next to me, pressing his arm against mine in the process. I can't lie, the physical contact makes me feel a little better.

"You shouldn't be. He's just a person. If it makes you feel any better, he's not like any other Alpha I've met. And certainly not like yours." He grins down at me when he says this. I'm not sure if what he said was a good thing or not.

We stop at the end of a hallway on the first floor. Apartment number one, tucked away in the corner. I feel my heart clenching when Nate knocks on the door. I hear a deep voice say to come in, and Nate pushes open the door.

Here we go. 

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