Chapter 7

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Hadrian POV.

I wake up earlier than the other occupant's in the dorm room, I go shower and put on my robes.

As I head down to the common room, Sel is already reading.

Good morning Sel.
Morning Hades she says.

Did you have a good evening, cuz?

Yeah thanks it was fantastic, he is fantastic she smiles.

I wish I could have my inheritance, I want a soulmate.

Sel just looks at me and laugh, you will Hades you will.

We walk to the great Hall for breakfast, Ron is still avoiding Sel. It's hilarious, as we sit down Ginny comes to sit next to me I sigh.

I see Hedwig flying in with a letter that she drops on my empty plate.

Dear Hades.

I hope you are doing well. Uncle Tom has asked me to tell you that you need to pretend to have had a vision on him having Sirius at the ministry and something with that atrocious prophecy that Dumblebore created. You can gather some friends and convince Dumblebore to let you go and "save" Sirius and get the prophecy because the dark lord wants it. Happy planning.
Let us know when you are going so we could send a few friends to great you there.

Lots of love.

Father and mother
L.A.M.    &     NM

I put the letter in my robe pocket and eat some breakfast. After breakfast we head to charms I slid into my desk and Sel comes to sit next to me, I quickly give her the letter to read and she nods. Just as the rest of the class come in. Ron sit next to me.

Professor flitwick appears on his stack of books. Okay class today we are going to learn the colour change charm.
(co-loh-VA-ree-ah) Does everyone have a piece of white cloth? He asks. We all nod.

At the end of the lesson only Sel, I and Dray got it right.
We head to care of magical creatures.
After COMC we have herbology and then lunch.

After lunch we head to double potions. As we step into class, I can sense something is not right. I scan my surroundings and I see Umbitch is here, and professor Snape is very tense, she has her hand on his shoulder and is standing very close to him. I can feel Selene's anger. I rush to her side and try to calm her down. Umbitch turns around and strolls out. Selene is glaring daggers at her, and I'm trying to hold in my laughter.

As we all sit, professor Snape speaks. Today you will be brewing amortentia, no one is to remove a drop of it from the cauldron. Begin.

Dray and I are a team and Sel has Pansy.

As we brew, I hear professor Snape scolding Ron.

As we are done, professor Snape says now I want you to smell it and tell me what you smell.

Dray: Marshmallow, sandalwood, Earl Grey tea.

Sel: Parchment, old books, and musk.

And me: earth, teak, old books.

After potions we had two free periods, so I head to the quidditch pitch for some training.

After a brutal training session I head to dinner with Ron. And sit down.

We head to common room to finish some homework.

And then off to bed. I planned to stay awake so that I can wake up drenched in sweat from my vision.

At about 11 o clock i wake up screaming hysterically, Ron wakes up.

Bloody hell mate are you okay. He asks.

I nod and go back to sleep. The next morning I feel awfully tired. I head down and fall on the couch next to Sel. As Ron comes down he sits.
Are you feeling okay mate.
I shake my head no. And look into the fire, I had a vision about Voldemort last night, he has Sirius he is torturing him at the ministry of magic. I have to tell Dumbledore, I have to safe him and get the prophecy because that is what he is looking for.

I rush to get dressed and go to professor Dumbledore. I knock on the door.

Enter he says.

Harry my boy, how are you he asks.

Not good professor, I had a vision of Voldemort last night he was torturing Sirius Black at the ministry of magic for the prophecy of me.

He look at me and nod well then go and collect your prophecy and save Sirius. I nod.

I rush to the owlery and write a letter to my father.

Dear father
The stupid headmaster fell for it we are going to retrieve the prophecy tonight. It will be me, Selene, Luna lovegood and both Weasley's (Ginny and Ron)
See you tonight


I tie the letter to Hedwig's  leg and he flies off.

I go to the great Hall and say to Sel, Ron, Ginny and Luna to meet me by the black lake.

As they arrive I cast a silencing charm around us.

Listen guys I asked you to meet me here because I'm going to the ministry of magic tonight, Voldemort has my godfather Sirius and he is being tortured, because of the prophecy about me I really hope you guys can help me in rescuing him and getting the prophec.

They all nod in agreement.
Thanks guys meet me in the headmaster's office after dinner, we will use the floo.

Time lapse.

I head to Dumbledores office with my friends and we floo to the ministry.

It is deadly quiet, we make our way down the corridor and I see the door that reads: Room of prophecies.
Alohamora, pushing the door open I walk further.

Harry in what row is your prophecy Ginny asks.

In row 97.

After a while, Sel calls out Harry I found it!

I head to where she is standing.
I take my propechy and turn to walk out.

We freeze as we hear maniacal laughter.

As we walk back, death eaters surround us.

Fenrir Greyback grabs Ron
Corban Yaxley grabs Ginny
Rabastan LeStrange grabs Luna
Bellatrix Lestrange grabs Selene
And Lucius Malfoy grabs me.

I fake trying to get away.
Corban and Fenrir stun the Weasley's and they pass out.

I hug my father and chat for a while.

Sel is certainly very happy to see her mother and chat with her.

A moment later the order of the Phoenix arrive and we throw hexes and curses at random objects so that it looks like we are fighting.

Father grabs the prophecy, and the death eaters disappear in clouds of smoke.  

We all return to Hogwarts, I'm feeling very happy that it went well. But need to act disappointed.

That night I go to bed happy, it's the beginning of the end. The game changes from here on out.

I say good night to Ginny and Sel.
Sel is heading out the door, saying something about going to the library to study a bit.

I just grin..... Enjoy your studies Hermione I yell.

Heading up to my room.
I fall down on my head and sleep.

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