Moving out

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"Ugh I'm so glad that's the last of my stuff to pack" I groaned as I sat down on the floor with a thud. "I still can't believe that you're leaving me to go live in Monaco!" Grace cried. "I don't want to leave you but I just need a fresh start you know after-" " Hey I understand and I support you all the way. Go chase your dreams girl! Get your dream job in photography and your little apartment overlooking the sea. And maybe you'll even find yourself your dream guy..." she butted in whilst pulling me in for a tight hug. "Ha no more guys Grace! I am done with them. I just want to focus on getting my life sorted." I replied. "I know I know, just promise me you won't shut yourself off completely. You never know when someone may come along and sweep you off your feet!" she teased. I rolled my eyes at her unrealistic dreams for my love life. Since the whole thing with Jake and my ex best friend Laura I made a promise to myself to put my career first. Also I had developed some pretty bad trust issues which didn't help much. Grace was there for me through the whole thing and even encouraged me to move away even when I knew she wanted me to stay. In fact I wouldn't be standing in my room right now with 3 suitcases full of my stuff ready to leave if it weren't for her. For sure I was going to miss her but we could still call or text everyday despite the slight time difference. "Come on let's get you to the airport otherwise you'll miss your flight." she said, snapping me out of my thoughts. We then brought all 3 of the suitcases downstairs into the hallway before proceeding to put our shoes on. I quickly said goodbye to my parents and then Grace and I put everything in the boot of her car before we drove off. Throughout the long car journey, we blasted music really loud and talked about many things. Towards the end though we both started to be a bit quieter. I was quite nervous about the whole move since moving to a different country were I don't speak the language fluently is kind of a big deal. I know Grace was happy for me but no matter how hard she tried, I could still tell that it pained her to see me go.

When we arrived at the airport it was fairly busy with people dropping off their friends and family. Grace and I quickly got out of her car and grabbed my things from the boot. Since it was going to be a slight challenge for me to wheel 3 suitcases through the airport, Grace decided to go with me up to baggage check before she would then leave to go home. I checked my carry on once more to make sure I had my passport and other important documents and then we started the walk into the airport. I still had two and a half hours to spare until my flight so that allowed me plenty of time to get through customs and get some food before I needed to board the plane. When we arrived at bag check, I handed over my suitcases as well as a letter from the airline to say that I was allowed to have 3 suitcases rather than the usual 1. They tagged them and then sent them on the conveyor belt to go onto my plane.

"Awww y/n/n I'm going to miss you so much!" Grace sobbed as she pulled me into a tight embrace. Tears began to pool in my eyes too but they were more happy than sad. This was the start of a new journey for me and for once I felt that I was regaining my freedom. I was still sad to be leaving Grace behind after everything she had done for me though. "I'll miss you too. I promise to keep in touch and you can come visit me whenever you want." I replied as we pulled apart. "I'll see you soon. Have fun and remember what I've told you!" she stated with a smirk as I got ready to go towards security and then my boarding area. I picked up my small carry on and slowly walked away with a feeling of excitement and nerves. The airport was much busier the further I walked and there was a fairly long queue at security when I arrived. When I finally reached the front of the queue around 20 minutes later, I placed my bag in one of the boxes on the conveyor belt along with my phone, watch and shoes. I then proceeded to walk through the scanner which flashed green before I could then go round to the other side to pick up my things. I checked my phone to see that there was still an hour before my flight took off so I decided to grab something to eat whilst I waited. There was a small cafe near my boarding area so I took a seat at one of the tables and then ordered a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.

By the time I had finished eating, there was only 30 minutes left until my flight so I took a walk around the area as I knew that I would be sat down for the next 3 hours. Just before I joined the queue to board, I went to the toilet so there was less chance of me needing to go whilst we were in the air.

When I boarded the plane I quickly found my seat and placed my bag in the overhead storage before I sat down next to the aisle. I wasn't that keen on flying or heights especially when there was turbulence so I always tried to get an aisle seat where I could. Thankfully the 2 seats next to me were already full so I wouldn't have to get up to let people in unless they wanted to move during the flight. I proceeded to fasten my seat belt and turn my phone on airplane mode before picking up the book that I was currently reading. The pilot made his usual announcement before the engine started up and we were clear to take off. I closed my eyes as we went up and put my headphones on to distract myself from my nerves. Once we were levelled out, I could relax a bit and I began to play y/f/a on my phone which I had downloaded before my flight. Every time there was a bit of turbulence, I would close my eyes and think about where I would be in the next few hours which seemed to help a bit. Thankfully the journey was fairly smooth and the 3 hours went by much quicker than I had expected.

When I finally got off the plane, I instantly felt a wave of heat surround me. Compared to the usual British weather, Monaco was definitely a lot warmer and that was something I was looking forward to. I walked down the tunnel leading away the plane and into the airport which was a lot smaller than the last. I then went and stood over by the area where they release the luggage and waited for my 3 suitcases to come through. Around 10 minutes later I had received all my luggage so then it was a task of wheeling all of them through the airport to the taxi area out the front. One of the staff members could clearly see that I was struggling to figure out how best to carry out this task so she came over with a suitcase trolley and stacked them on there for me. I thanked her before pushing the trolley through the rest of the airport until I reached the taxi pick up zone out the front.

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